ekamioka / urlscan.io-R

Basic R functions to submit and recover results from URLScan.io through API
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Basic R functions to submit and recover results from URLScan.io through API


  1. Load the code into R:

    > source(urlscan.io.R)
  2. Get the SUBMIT OBJECT:

    > submit.object = urlscan.io.submit(url.to.submit = "https://urlscan.io", 
                                    api.key = "your-api-here")

Response [https://urlscan.io/api/v1/scan/] Date: 2018-02-03 23:23 Status: 200 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Size: 438 B { "message": "Submission successful", "uuid": "8647950e-b7e0-4df4-8f2a-e68b88c288e6", "result": "https://urlscan.io/result/8647950e-b7e0-4df4-8f2a-e68b88c288e6/", "api": "https://urlscan.io/api/v1/result/8647950e-b7e0-4df4-8f2a-e68b88c288e6/", "visibility": "public", "options": { "useragent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36" }

3. Get the URL scan results:

url.results = urlscan.io.result(submit.object) [1] "Result stored on:https://urlscan.io/result/8647950e-b7e0-4df4-8f2a-e68b88c288e6/"

  1. Explore/Use the data as you want:
    > class(url.results)
    [1] "list"

names(url.results) [1] "data" "stats" "meta" "task" "page" "lists"

Thanks to Johannes Gilger for providing the API key