ekandreas / bladerunner

WordPress plugin for Laravel Blade templating DEPRECATED
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WordPress plugin for Laravel Blade templating.

To install it to your Composer based WordPress installation:

composer require ekandreas/bladerunner

Activate the plugin inside WordPress and templates with *.blade.php are inspected and active. Your theme still needs an index.php due to WordPress basic functionality. When removed the theme is known as broken.

If you don't use a composer based WordPress development environment you can download the latest distributed plugin at Bladerunner site http://bladerunner.aekab.se and install it the common way with zip upload to WordPress via wp-admin.

Releases to this plugin is listed last in this readme.

Hello World

  1. Install the library with composer
  2. Make sure the cache-folder is writeable in uploads, eg ../wp-content/uploads/.cache
  3. Activate the plugin
  4. Create a view, eg:
    <!-- view file: views/pages/index.blade.php -->
    Hello World Page rendered at {{ date('Y-m-d H:i:s') }}
  5. In your index.php, add a global call for the view created, eg:




Template helper

There is a template helper function named bladerunner, defined globally to use in standard WordPress templates.

Example: You want to create a 404-template and don't want to use the .blade.php extension to the template file.

You can pass any data with the global bladerunner function like so,

    bladerunner('views.pages.404', ['module'=>$module]);

or use compact, eg:

    bladerunner('views.pages.404', compact('module'));


With version 1.7 controllers are added to Bladerunner. As default Bladerunner will look for extended classes in the theme folder + /controllers. If you would like to add or change the controller paths take a look below at filters!

The controller class has to extend \Bladerunner\Controller to work. It will guess the path to the view but you can override this with protected $view='your.custom.view.path''

The controller files follow the same hierarchy as WordPress. You can view the controller hierarchy by using the Blade directive @debug.

Extend the Controller Class, it is recommended that the class name matches the filename. Create methods within the Controller Class:

Controller example:

The following example will expose $images to views/single.blade.php



namespace App;

use Bladerunner\Controller;

class Single extends Controller
     * Return images from Advanced Custom Fields
     * @return array
    public function images()
        return get_field('images');


    @foreach($images as $image)
      <li><img src="https://github.com/ekandreas/bladerunner/raw/main/{{$image['sizes']['thumbnail']}}" alt="{{$image['alt']}}"></li>

Hooks and Filters

Bladerunner continuously implements filters and hooks to modify values and processes.




Modify Bladerunners cache folder path, default ../wp-content/uploads/.cache

add_filter('bladerunner/cache/path', function() {
    return '/my/path/to/cache';

If you don't want Bladerunner to create the cache folder:

add_filter('bladerunner/cache/make', function() {
    return false;

If you wan't to customize the base paths where you have your views stored, use:

add_filter('bladerunner/template/bladepath', function ($paths) {
    if (!is_array($paths)) {
        $paths = [$paths];
    $paths[] = ABSPATH . '../../resources/views';
    return $paths;

If you wan't to customize the controller paths where you have your controllers stored, use:

add_filter('bladerunner/controller/paths', function ($paths) { 
    $paths[] = PLUGIN_DIR . '/my-fancy-plugin/controllers';
    return $path; 

We will soon add more WordPress extenstions to the Bladerunner engine. Please give us your great examples to implement!



Test requirements:

Test step by step

Checkout the components for testing via Composer inside the repo:

composer update

Using Testrunner (required-dev package) and Docker the test should be exexuted with a single command:

vendor/bin/dep testrunner