ekhi-arzac / RidesFX

ShareTrip: a JavaFX (modular+hibernate+h2+properties) desktop application project
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ShareTrip: a JavaFX (modular+hibernate+h2+properties) desktop application project

Java CI with Maven


This application is a desktop application that allows carpooling between individuals. Any user can offer their own rides to other users or request a ride from other users.

The application is developed using JavaFX, Hibernate, H2, and Properties.


For this first sprint, we needed to do the requirements analysis and start designing some features for the application.

For this second sprint, we needed to implement at least two use cases.

Book Rides feature:

The travelers can book a ride they want in the Query rides page, after getting all the available rides, they can select the ride they want and ask the booking

View Traveler Books:

The travelers, can also view all their books and the status of them: If it has been accepted or cancelled, or is pending yet

Accept or Reject Bookings:

The drivers can accept or reject the bookings they have received, they can do it in the Driver Ride Panel page

Chat feature:

The drivers can chat with the travelers that have booked their rides, they can do it in the Driver Ride Panel page

Alerts feature:

The travelers can create alerts for the rides they want, they can see them in the query alerts option, and if a driver offers a ride that matches with the alert, the traveler will be able to directly book it from there.

[!] For the chat, we used an external server to manage and send messages between users. But due to several uknown clients connected to the server at the same time, the chat may not work as expected, for example sometimes the messages are duplicated or there are duplicated users

Time Valoration:

. Expexted Actual
Sprint 1 37.7 28,6
Sprint 2 25.8 22,8
Sprint 3 40.25 41,25
Total 103,75 92,65

There is a server folder with further information about the messaging system (API and Scoket server).

Authors: Amets Martiarena, Ekhi Arzac, Jon Reboiro.