ekinoguz / sprout-database

Database project of a graduate class.
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Database project of a graduate class.


This is a real database with:
1) Paged file system: basic file system
2) Record manager: tuple-oriented file system on top of the paged file system
3) Index manager: classes and methods for managing persistent indexes over unordered data records stored in files. Each data file may have any number of (single-attribute) indexes associated with it. The indexes are used to speed up processing of relational selections, joins, and condition-based update and delete operations. Like the data records themselves, the indexes are also stored in files. In this database system architecture, IX component and the record manager as sitting side by side above the file system.
4) Query engine: classes and methods for answering SQL queries.
5) Command line interface: 1-to-1 mapping of public interface to command line interface.

Command Line Interface

We support the following commands:

create table <tableName> (col1 = <type>, col2 = <type>, ...)
    <type> = int | real | <varchar>
    <varchar> = "varchar(" <length> ")"
example: create table Employee EmpName = varchar(30), Age = int, Height = real, Salary = int

create index <columnName> on <tableName>

insert into <tableName> tuple(col1 = <value1>, col2 = <value2>, ...)
example: insert into tbl_employee2 tuple(EmpName = sky, Age = 22, Height = 6.1, Salary = 13291)

SELECT <query>: where <query> is defined in Query Language section
drop table <tableName>
drop index <indexName> on <tableName>
drop attribute <attributeName> from <tableName>

print <tableName>
print attributes <tableName>
print index <attributeName> on <tableName>

load <tableName> <fileName>: loads the file which is in data/ folder.
help <commandName>
quit or exit

All commands are case-insensitive. However, all user defined strings such as table names, attribute names etc. are case sensitive.

Query Language

We support the following operations:

All queries start with "SELECT"

<query> = 
    PROJECT <query> GET "[" <attrs> "]"
    FILTER <query> WHERE <attr> <op> <value>
    INLJOIN <query>, <query> WHERE <attr> <op> <attr> PAGES(<pageNum>)
    NLJOIN <query>, <query> WHERE <attr> <op> <attr> PAGES(<pageNum>)
    AGG <query> [ GROUPBY(<attr>) ] GET <agg-op>(<attr>)
    IS <query> <attr> <op> <value>

<agg-op> = MIN | MAX | SUM | AVG | COUNT
<op> = < | > | = | != | >= | <= | NOOP
<attrs> = <attr> { "," <attr> }
<pageNum> = is a number bigger than 0, usually 10
