ekollof / gentlsa

Tool for DANE/TLSA (with Cloudflare API support)
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Simple tool for dealing with DANE/TSLA records. Also displays info for certificates. Also has optional CloudFlare support.

NOTE: This script does NOT work with python 2. You shouldn't be using python 2 anyway.



    gentlsa.py generate <zone> <port> [--hostname <shorthost>] [--info] [--cloudflare] [--dryrun]
    gentlsa.py verify <name> <port> [--hostname <shorthost>]
    gentlsa.py cloudflare [--info] [--listzones]
    gentlsa.py file <certfile>

Example output:

Generating TLSA entry:

┌─[ekollof@elrond]─(~/Code/gentlsa)(master U:2 ?:1 ✗)
└─[15:39]-(%)-[$] ./gentlsa.py generate coolvibe.org 443
_443._tcp TLSA 3 1 1 8adbc769e05014c8e0b431770f97e1f09659c5a6eae9f5683701bc6f071d8a94

Display cert info:

┌─[ekollof@elrond]─(~/Code/gentlsa)(master S:4 U:3 ?:1 ✗)
└─[15:47]-(%)-[$] ./gentlsa.py generate coolvibe.org 443 --info
>>> Certificate Information:
Serial : 4906ded898ec441cbbc223acb960a95239a
Issuer : C=US, O=Let's Encrypt, CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3
Subject: CN=coolvibe.org
Subject Alternative Name(s): DNS:coolvibe.org
Certificate Inception:  2018-08-26 09:00:32+00:00 UTC
Certificate Expiration: 2018-11-24 09:00:32+00:00 UTC
_443._tcp TLSA 3 1 1 8adbc769e05014c8e0b431770f97e1f09659c5a6eae9f5683701bc6f071d8a94

Update Cloudflare entry (will create an entry if not present). Will only return the TLSA record and report if Cloudflare registration worked. This is an example which uses STARTTLS to get the certificate.

┌─[ekollof@elrond]─(~/Code/gentlsa)(master U:1 ?:1 ✗)
└─[15:43]-(%)-[$] ./gentlsa.py generate hackerheaven.org 25 --hostname mx --cloudflare --info  
>>> Certificate Information:
Serial : 4c44f405bf6ea521edd60e9ad9806df051a
Issuer : C=US, O=Let's Encrypt, CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3
Subject: CN=mx.hackerheaven.org
Subject Alternative Name(s): DNS:mx.hackerheaven.org
Certificate Inception:  2018-09-01 03:16:37+00:00 UTC
Certificate Expiration: 2018-11-30 03:16:37+00:00 UTC
_25._tcp.mx TLSA 3 1 1 e4a76ab909941a470314f4a4fcc9338623dd619ab9f5ac715a08fe9b94417d8c
>>> Cloudflare Information:
Zone name: hackerheaven.org
Zone owner: REDACTED
Name servers: ['isla.ns.cloudflare.com', 'jake.ns.cloudflare.com']
Cloudflare: TLSA record updated for hackerheaven.org

Verify a TLSA record (Nagios compatible, returns 0 on success, 2 on failure). This compares what's in DNS and what your servers seem to report:

┌─[ekollof@elrond]─(~/Code/gentlsa)(master U:1 ?:1 ✗)
└─[15:43]-(%)-[$] ./gentlsa.py verify hackerheaven.org 443
OK - TLSA is valid

Cloudflare support

Create a file in your home directory with the path: ~/.cloudflare/cloudflare.cfg

Add the following info in it (it's available on the bottom on your account profile page):

email = <cloudflare login (e-mail)>
token = <token>
certtoken = <certtoken>

You can also use environment variables. See here: [https://github.com/cloudflare/python-cloudflare]