ekristen / terraform-provider-pgp

Terraform Provider for PGP Actions
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Support for ignoring decryption errors in case ciphertext and key do not match (anymore) #25

Open staelche opened 10 months ago

staelche commented 10 months ago

I intend to use this provider to decrypt the encrypted AWS passwords before printing them during plan/apply to avoid to do it manually for every single secret.

In the case you want to rotate the gpg keys some resources have the encrypted secrets encrypted with the old public key in the state. Since I do not store both keys in the state (generated by your gpg_key resource; that would defeat the purpose of encryption) I read both keys from the local file system. This means I only have one key pair available to terraform. Hence the decryption of older secrets will fail and only the later ones will be successful.

I would like to have an argument on data.pgp_decrypt like ingore_errors which fills the object with nulls or empty strings. So that the following runs through. Currently, it fails on planning phase when processing data.php_decrypt.

resource "aws_iam_access_key" "access-credentials" {

  pgp_key = data.local_file.pgp_key.content # new key

  user = aws_iam_user.someuser.id

  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [


data "local_file" "pgp_key_private" {
  filename = pathexpand("~/terraform-gpg-private.key")

data "pgp_decrypt" "example" {
  ciphertext  = aws_iam_access_key.access-credentials.encrypted_secret
  private_key = data.local_file.pgp_key_private.content
  ciphertext_encoding = "base64"
  ignore_errors = true

output "cleartext_secret" {
  value = data.pgp_decrypt.example.plaintext

What do you think?

Cheers Thomas