ekristen / terraform-provider-pgp

Terraform Provider for PGP Actions
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Terraform Provider PGP

Warning: Use of this provider will result in secrets being in terraform state in PLAIN TEXT (aka NOT ENCRYPTED). You've been warned.

There are use cases and situations where you need full access to all values generated within terraform, unfortunately there are some resources that force you to provide a PGP key and it will only encrypt and store those values, then manual commands must be run to decrypt.

This provider allows you to generate a PGP or use an existing one, from there it provides encrypt and decrypt data sources to allow you to get access to the data.

Build provider

Run the following command to build the provider

$ go build -o terraform-provider-pgp

Local release build

$ go install github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser@latest
$ make release

You will find the releases in the /dist directory. You will need to rename the provider binary to terraform-provider-gpg and move the binary into the appropriate subdirectory within the user plugins directory.

Test sample configuration

First, build and install the provider.

$ make install

Then, navigate to the examples directory.

$ cd examples

Run the following command to initialize the workspace and apply the sample configuration.

$ terraform init && terraform apply

Note: you might have to remove the .terraform.lock.hcl file.