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Samples won't play. #5

Closed Hiko-Tanizawa closed 9 years ago

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

I found a bag . when I drag samples onto the row from browser ,it won't play correctly or won't play at all. All i did was changing sample start/end point and added another samples from browser. Did you change way to save re[mix] set? it's happens with my set . it's not happen with blank new set.

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

no, i haven't changed anything with the presets. (or saving a set)

for the samples that won't play correctly/or at all, if u double click the waveform (to select all), does it play correctly then?

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

here's link for video . https://www.dropbox.com/s/e9pozkjy18kc89z/sample%20bug2.mp4?dl=0

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

"for the samples that won't play correctly/or at all, if u double click the waveform (to select all), does it play correctly then?"

I just tried it but waveform was correct this time but no sound.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

I just use Save+write all to folder and load it from there then works fine. it's weird.

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

very weird. does this happen with any samples? or just the ones in the dj krush folder?

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

this happens with any samples. I will use duplicated one for now:) but someone may report this future.

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

this is tough…

could you dropbox me a copy of your preset and flist file for the original set? that might help.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

do you need one from original or duplicated one?

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

This one? https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j6utbfbimkv9tzd/AAC9AyMSZorrOQVh2g0kw1Fca?dl=0

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

thx. i guess if you could send me the same files for the duplicated one, it would help me figure out why one has this problem and the other doesn't.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

I just found out that No waveform appear but it keeps in the drop down place ,When I add sample to blank slot with that set.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

I opened old version of re:[mix]. (it was still called redux from 2/1 2015 .)

this version works fine.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

Duplicated one. File name is different ..I didn't name it. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/77i9n2ix2e2aqkw/AAAQ5KXM5LpBy7V_f6cFSYTva?dl=0

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

thx. i looked at the flist files and everything looks the same except the folder names, which is good. the preset files are identical, which is also good. i'll need to think about this over the weekend. i'll report back.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

You're welcome .:) I guess something changed by accident? there is no this issue with Redux from 2/1/2015.

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

one more thing u could try-

with the original set, if u drag a sample from the desktop to a row, does it still have this issue? i think the way u name your folders might be related. maybe not, but i just want to be sure.

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

a lot has changed since 2/1 so it would be hard to say what it might be...

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

could u try this version and let me know if it still happens https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35035949/re%5Bmix%5D.amxd.zip

whenever convenient. no rush.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

It's still happen. it won't play sample..

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

ok try this build. (no fixes here. i just made a certain object print to the max window for debugging) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35035949/re%5Bmix%5D.amxd.zip

when u add a sample and it doesn't play correctly, i need u to open the max window and take a screenshot of the most recent entries. also go to the setup tab, double-click 'coll [mlr]ch 1' and take a screenshot of the window that pops up. this will help a lot.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

How can i open max window over Ableton? I clicked "m" button but noting appear.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

I dragged samples from desktop but it won't play either.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

I found pattern . "example" when I drop sample A on 2nd row ,it won't play then drop sample B on 3rd row ,B will play on 2nd row,then drop C on 4th row,C will play on 3rd row and so on..

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

Is there way to open max window? cmd+m does midi mapping in ableton.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

Never mind . I can go to max window by clicking max editor button but then I can't even play loaded samples. I think presentation version takes over actions.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

Sorry for posting many times. I was able to load my set in max (presentation version) but i can't play any sound. "1[mlr]pl-trig: no such object" appear with pink color.


I hope this one helps..

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

ahh sorry. to open the max window, right click on the top of the device. (where it says re[mix]). https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35035949/Screen%20Shot%202015-03-13%20at%203.58.15%20PM.png

no need to open the editor. no need to click the m button either.

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

when u take the screenshot of the max window again, make sure you expand the window so i can see the whole entry.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

Thanks . I learn new things:) here's link for video. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/q48bm0ha7dvr8p8/AADtxl5dny24YR5Dwx3TEnl0a?dl=0

sorry for switching windows many times. it was hard to bring them how i wanted.

2nd sample played automatically.

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

that was good. i can see it is reading the dj krush sample's length correctly when it loads. also looking at the 'coll [mlr]ch 1' window, i can see the sample start/end settings are correct for row 5 (dj krush row)

you're using the most recent group.amxd's from github? this is just so strange, i still can't think of what it might be. even stranger that the issue doesn't happen after u used save+write all and duplicated the set.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

Yes, I just downloaded new zip and put all group,re[mix] and input but still happening ..

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

Also option+drag to snap to grid markers mode doesn't work with this version.

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

yes i noticed that. fixing it now.

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

ok, fixed the snap to grid markers real quick.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

Thank you:)

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

the other issue is very hard to figure out. your screenshot/video helped a lot, but it is still really hard to fix without being able to replicate it myself. i'll think about it more over the weekend.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

Thank you so much:) i just downloaded fixed one but I still can't snap grid .

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

apologies. i rushed a bit too much. just a minute.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

No problem.:) Pls take your time.

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

max was crashing every time i tried to save. i had to restart my computer for some reason….

snap to grid is fixed now. i tested before uploading.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

Thank you. I'm sorry to hear that problems..

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

When u load the original set, can u scroll through the max window and see if there's any error messages? (They'll appear with pink color)

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

There is one after loaded original set. screen shot 2015-03-16 at 7 23 19 pm

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

beginning was like this, screen shot 2015-03-16 at 7 23 34 pm

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

You are genius.:) It works fine after i deleted these samples .

So I guess this happens when re:[mix] can't find samples.

That sample was not able to play on time somehow (slower than original..)so i had to put many different version .

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

I just deleted samples,saved and loaded 2 times then both works fine. Thank you for finding out.

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

Cool. Glad we figured it out. I can try to make it so that it won't break a whole set when it can't find a few samples.

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

Don't worry about those errors at the beginning btw.

Hiko-Tanizawa commented 9 years ago

Thank you very much.:)

I have a question. Is there way to use fader from mlr_aux app which you sent me last year?

There are 2 vertical rows for effects and 6 vertical rows for faders.

Is there way to make that 6 rows mappable with Ableton?

My64 is correcting dust now.lol I'm thinking to sell it and buy my own iPad .

el-quinto commented 9 years ago

i think maybe u should check out the max audio effect 'multimap' that comes with ableton. u can open it in the max editor and see how it works. (i've never tried, but i think it does what you're looking for)

i just made some latency improvements to the volume mods (at least it seems better for me / no more crazy lag with safari open). :)

let me know if u still get lag.