elastic / stream

Test utility for streaming data via udp/tcp/tls/webhook/GCP Pub-Sub/Kafka.
Apache License 2.0
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stream is a test utility for streaming data via:

Input data can be read from:

HTTP Server mock reference

stream can also serve logs setting up a complete HTTP mock server.


stream http-server --addr=":8080" --config="./config.yml"

The server can be configured to serve specific log files on certain routes. The config should be defined in a yaml file of the following format:

    - path: "/path1/test"
      methods: ["GET"]

      user: username
      password: passwd
        p1: ["v1"]
        accept: ["application/json"]

      - headers:
          x-foo: ["test"]
        status_code: 200
        body: |-
          {"next": "http://{{ hostname }}/page/{{ sum (.req_num) 1 }}"}
    - path: "/page/{pagenum:[0-9]}" params.
      methods: ["POST"]

      - status_code: 200
        body: "{{ .request.vars.pagenum }}"
          content-type: ["text/plain"]

The rules will be defined in order, and will only match if all criteria is true for a request. This means that you need to define the more restrictive rules on top.


When using Go templates as part of the response.headers or response.body, some functions and data will be available:

Lumberjack Output Reference

Lumberjack is the protocol used between Elastic Beats and Logstash. It is implemented using the elastic/go-lumber library. stream sends data using version 2 of the Lumberjack protocol. Each log line is sent as its own batch containing a single event. The output blocks until the batch is ACKed.

When using the Lumberjack output the address flag value (--addr) can indicate when to send via TLS. Format the address as a URL with a tls scheme (e.g. tls:// to use TLS. If a scheme isn't specified then a TCP connection is used (i.e. localhost:5044 implies tcp://localhost:5044).

By default, Lumberjack batches contain one event with a message field.

    "message": "{{ input_data }}"

If --lumberjack-parse-json is used then the input data is parsed as JSON and the resulting data is sent as a batch.

GCS Output Reference

The GCS output is used to collect data from the configured source, create a GCS bucket, and populate it with the incoming data. When specifying a (--addr) which should be a combination of both host and port, usually pointing to a locally running emulator, the client will be overriding the configured API endpoint, which defaults to the public google storage API, towards the emulator instead. The emulator does not require authentication.


Azure Event Hub Output Reference

The Azure Event Hub output is used to collect data from the azure event hub resource When specifying a --azure-event-hub-connection-string, it should be retrieved as described here.

Sample config:

version: '2.3'
    image: docker.elastic.co/observability/stream:v0.12.0
      - ./sample_logs:/sample_logs:ro
      - log
      - --retry=30
      - -p=azureeventhub
      - --azure-event-hub-connection-string="Endpoint=sb://test-eventhub-stream-seis.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=SharedAccessKey"
      - /sample_logs/testdata.log
