elasticpath / mvnmin

Builds only changed maven modules, speeding up your multi-module maven project builds.
Apache License 2.0
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mvnmin speeds up large multi-module maven builds, building only the changed modules.

mvnmin has the following benefits:


The following section describes how to install and build mvnmin.


To successfully install and use mvnmin, you will need the java command available on the PATH (Java 8 JDK):

Homebrew installation

  1. Tap the mvnmin's formula repository:
    brew tap elasticpath/mvnmin
  2. Install mvnmin:
    brew install mvnmin
  3. Validate the installation by checking the version:
    mvnmin --version

Binary Installation

  1. Go to mvnmin releases and check for currently available releases.

  2. Download the required zip file and place it into a folder, such as ~/tools/mvnmin.

  3. Extract the downloaded file:

    unzip maven-minimal-1.0.3.zip
  4. Set up alias/shortcut:

    1. On a *nix running bash, including Mac, create an alias in your terminal.

    Note: This can also be made for permanent use, by adding it to your ~/.bash_profile.

    alias mvnmin='java -jar ~/tools/mvnmin/mvnmin-1.0.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar'
    1. On Windows you will likely want to create a mvnmin.cmd file on your PATH that looks like this:
      @echo off
      set MVNMIN_JAR=C:\path\to\mvnmin\mvnmin-1.0.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar
      java -jar "%MVNMIN_JAR%" %*
  5. Execute mvnmin --version and you should see the following output:

    mvnmin 1.0.3

Build from source

  1. Clone and build the project source as shown in the following example:

    cd ~/git
    git clone https://github.com/elasticpath/mvnmin.git
    cd mvnmin
    ./mvnw clean install
  2. On a Linux/Mac running bash, add the following to your ~/.bash_profile:

    alias mvnmin='java -jar ~/git/mvnmin/target/mvnmin-1.0.3-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar'

Usage and Examples

The following section describes the different usage and examples for mvnmin.

Command Line Options

usage: mvmin [options] [<maven goal(s)>] [<maven phase(s)>] [<maven arg(s)>]

  Project Activation/Deactivation
    --all                      Activate all `pom.xml` files in all sub directories
                               (default max depth: 6)
    --diff[=commit[..commit]]  Activate all projects changed since the specified commit,
                               or range of specified commits.
                               (default: 'master')
    -pl,--projects <arg>       Comma-delimited list of specified reactor projects
                               to build as well as those otherwise activated.
                               A project can be specified by `groupId:artifactId`
                               A project can be deactivated by leading with an
                               exclamation mark or hyphen: `-groupId:artifactId`
    --nbi                      No build-if dependencies are considered, just
                               changed modules.

    -p                         Don't invoke maven, print out activated projects,
                               sorted, newline separated.

    -d --dry-run               Don't invoke maven, print out the commands that
                               would have been executed.
       --version               Print the version number of mvnmin and exit.

The default mode, when nothing is specified, is to build the projects with dirty files, according to git status.

--all Activates all projects from the current directory down. mvnmin pretends that all found pom.xml files are dirty, activating all projects. Only six levels of directories are considered. This can be changed, see the Environment Variable section. This overrides the default option, as all projects are enabled.

--diff[=commit[..commit]] Identifies all files changed by specified commit, or between the commit range and activates all containing projects. This option works in addition to the default behaviour. Adding the committed changes to the currently dirty files, and activating all affected projects. If no commit is specified, the value master.. is used.

-p Useful for piping into other tools.

--dry-run Prints out the list of projects determined to have changed, sorted, newline separated.

--help Shows usage information.

None of the mvnmin options are passed down to maven directly. Also, mvnmin's options are selected to not clash with any current maven options.

Almost all maven phases, goals and arguments provided are passed through to the underlying maven invocation.

There are a few exceptions:

Environment Variables

The following environment variables alter mvnmins behaviour:

Basic Examples

This can be combined with -am and -amd, allowing maven to build only those pieces needed, thus saving time:

mvnmin clean install -amd -am

Configuring mvn command mvnmin calls

mvnmin can drive different maven wrapper scripts, allowing it to fit your projects.

mvnmin determines which command to issue to invoke a maven build in the following order:

  1. The value in the env var MVN_COMMAND, if specified.
  2. The value specified in the maven-command element in mvnmin.xml, if specified.
  3. The maven wrapper mvnw if found in the root project folder.
  4. mvn if none of the above match.

Advanced mvnmin configuration

mvnmin has an optional configuration file, mvnmin.xml, which is in the root module of a multi-module project.

This file allows you to:

mvnmin.xml format

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>


    <!-- Override the maven wrapper script to use. -->

      These projects will never be included in mvnmin build.

      Conditional Build Glue:
      If a project is activated that matches the module regex, mvnmin will activate the associated projects.
        <build-if description="">
            <match regex=""/>      <!-- If this matches ... -->
            <module></module>      <!-- ... then build these modules-->

      Reactor Overrides
      Define sub-reactors that mvnmin can then target in a finer-grained way, than vanilla maven.

      The ordering of the reactors is significant, this is the order mvnmin will invoke the reactors.

      The reactor options are:
        name=<reactor name>                     - (required) An arbitrary name for a Reactor, used during mvnmin output.
        pom=<relative path to poml.xml>         - (required) The path the `pom.xml` which the maven build will be started with.
        pattern                                 - (required, for none primary) A regex to match module names for this reactor (see the following code).
        primary=<true|false>                    - (optional) If true, this overrides the internal primary reactor's configuration.
                                                  Only one primary is allowed.  The primary reactor's patterns are 
                                                  ignored, as the primary reactor is formed from all unclaimed modules.
        single-thread=<true|false>              - (optional) Force a reactor to run single-threaded, regardless of command line arguments.
        skip-if=<cmd line argument regex>       - (optional) A regex that will cause the reactor to be skipped, if present on the command line.
        extra-params=<parameters>               - (optional) A list of space-separated extra parameters to pass to maven for this reactor.
        <reactor name="" pom="" primary="" single-thread="" skip-if="">



Apache License Version 2.0

Copyright 2021, Elastic Path Software Inc.