The Mentor Program is an attempt to match those in Portland looking to learn web-oriented programming skills and mentors willing to pass on their knowledge through three roughly one hour sessions. We want to make the process easy for mentors to get involved, even if they have little teaching experience. We work to provide project ideas, sessions guidelines, and general teaching advice to help both sides of the mentoring experience get the maximal benefits from the relationship.
Helping with the project:
We are always looking for input both on the technical side of the project and in generating content to help mentors and mentees get the most out of the experience.
If interested in helping on the technical side, here is what you will need to do to get things up and running:
Project currently uses Ruby 2.0.0 and Rails 4.0.0
After setting up the database, run rake db:seed to add necessary initial information to the database
You can run rake db:populate to populate the development environment with a set of sample data to experiment with
reCAPTCHA is used to prevent form spam. This is implemented using ambethia's recaptcha for rails plugin. See http://github.com/ambethia/recaptcha/ for how to set this up for your development environment.