elderberry-smells / GBS_snakemake_pipeline

a pipeline based on the utility of snakemake to generate a vcf file from paired end sequencing data obtained from Illumina platforms
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Paired End Genotype By Sequencing (GBS) Pipeline

A bioinformatics package that includes worflows to generate bams and a vcf file from multiplexed GBS paired end fastq files.

This tool utilizes the workflow management system Snakemake and allows you to accomplish a complete pipeline process with just a few command line calls, even on a computing cluster.

An Example Workflow:



Table of Contents

Quick Use Guide

ATTENTION Already have demultiplexed fastq's? Try using the Demux Pipeline

This quick use guide is assuming you have followed the installation. If not, proceed first to installations.

Once your environment is set up you can start running the pipeline!

Start at the beginning with Generating BAMs, or if you have BAMs you want to process, move on to generating VCFs!

Generating BAMs

Take paired end Fastq files (R1 and R2) and produce sorted BAM files and BAM index files

  1. Create and save sample sheet into cluster - generally helpful to put it in same directory as fastq files. For format see samplesheet in supporting file readme.

  2. Change directory to where fastq files are located

    $ cd directory/to/samples.fastq.gz

  3. Update the config/config.yaml file. In terminal, input the following commands.

    $  nano ~/gbs/GBS_snakemake_pipeline/config/config.txt

    manually change the fields for your project (note that the raw fastq files need to be named _R1.fastq.gz and _R2.fastq.gz)

    sample_read1: "/input/absolute/path/to/sample_R1.fastq.gz"
    samplesheet: "/input/absolute/path/to/samplesheet.txt or samplesheet.csv"
    barcodefile:  "input/path/to/workflow/resources/barcodes/barcodes.txt"

    cntrl-o to save. (press enter)

    cntrl-x to exit nano editor

  4. Run the pipeline by submitting the process via shell script to the GridEngine queue in the terminal.

    $ qsub ~/gbs/GBS_snakemake_pipeline/workflow/gbs.sh
  5. Done!


Generating VCF

Take a list of BAM directories, and produce a single or multiple VCF files from all the BAM files included in those directories.

  1. Update the config/config_vcf.yaml file for the 4 fields.

    • For format see config files in supporting file readme.
    • note if you want to produce a seperate VCF for each chromosome in the species, put True into split: field. This will speed up the process as each VCF will be written in parallel. If your reference has scaffolds, it will produce a seperate VCF just for scaffolds (all together)
    $  nano ~/gbs/GBS_snakemake_pipeline/config/config_vcf.txt
      - "/absolute/path/to/some/sorted_bams"
      - "/absolute/path/to/some/more/sorted_bams"
      - "/absolute/path/to/even/more/sorted_bams"
    # produce a single whole genome VCF (False) or split into 1 VCF for each chromosome (True) -- case sensitive
    split: True
    outfile: "/absolute/path/to/output/vcf/directory"
    reference: "/absolute/path/to/reference_genome.fasta"

    cntrl-o to save

    cntrl-x to exit

  2. (optional) Create a directory for your VCF output (the same directory name as the config-vcf.yaml output path) and cd into that directory so your snakemake ouput log lives with the VCF file. The name of the VCF will be whatever you name the output folder!

    $ mkdir vcf_output/ && cd vcf_output
  3. Run the pipeline by submitting the process via shell script to the GridEngine queue in the terminal.

    $ qsub ~/gbs/GBS_snakemake_pipeline/workflow/vcf.sh
  4. Done!

(optional) 4. Process the VCF file Check out the VCF_Analysis_tools ReadMe to see a couple tools to process and visualize your VCF



  1. In your home directory on the cluster/local computer create a directory for the pipeline to live called gbs

    $ mkdir gbs
    $ cd gbs/
  2. Clone the repository to that gbs folder you created on the cluster

    • You will need git installed on your cluster account to accomplish this. Can be done using conda install -c anaconda git on your cluster account.
    $ git clone https://github.com/elderberry-smells/GBS_snakemake_pipeline.git

    press enter, your local clone should be created with the following pathways for the pipeline:

  3. Install the GBS snakemake environment on your computer

    • Create an environment for snakemake using the workflow/envs/gbs-spec-file.txt file from the repo you downloaded, then activate it.
      $ conda create --name gbs --file ~/gbs/GBS_snakemake_pipeline/workflow/envs/gbs-spec-file.txt
      $ conda activate gbs
    • When that is done running, you should see (gbs) on the left side of your command line 4a. Install Novocraft 3.10 if you don't have it (https://www.novocraft.com/support/download/)
    • Untar with command tar -xzf novo…tar.gz 4b. Allow Novosort to be a callable program within gbs environment
    • move that entire novocraft directory into the recently created gbs environment, and add that path to your bashrc profile
      $ mv ~/gbs/GBS_Snakemake_pipeline/workflow/resources/novocraft ~/miniconda3/envs/gbs/bin
      $ nano ~/.bashrc
    • at the bottom of that file, add the following line:
      export PATH="~/miniconda3/envs/gbs/bin/novocraft":$PATH
    • cntrl + O to save (enter)
    • cntrl + X to close

bioinformatics dependencies

all of these dependencies should be now be installed and callable by typing in their names in terminal

python=3.6 snakemake=4.0 trimmomatic=0.39 bwa=0.7.17 samtools=1.9 bcftools=1.8 Novosort=2.00.00

Testing to see if the pipeline is working

If you have data and a samplesheet to run, test to see if the snakemake process is working

Update the config.yaml file to direct the pipeline to the resources it needs.

$ nano ~/gbs/GBS_snakemake_pipeline/config/config.yaml

Invoke the snakemake process in test mode to see if outputs are being called correctly.

$ snakemake -s ~/gbs/GBS_snakemake_pipeline/Snakefile -np

the snakemake process should show you all it intends to do with the samples located in the samplesheet, and how many process for each module/rule will run.


Job counts:
    count   jobs
    1   all
    184 bwa_map
    1   demultiplex
    184 novosort
    184 trimmomatic
        1       fastqc
        1       multiqc
    1   zipup_demux
    1   zipup_unmatched

Supporting Files

A list of user inputs to run the program can be found in the Supporting Files ReadMe.

This includes the config files, samplesheets, and barcode files.

Refer to the docs for formatting of the files.

Examples for samplesheets can be found in workflow/resources/example_samplesheet.csv


Brief documentation on each step in this pipeline can be found in the Features ReadMe

The protocol for library construction is also included in the resources folder



License: GPL v3


© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2020