electricduck / atfile

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Upload fails on MacOS — different version of `stat` (and other tools) #5

Closed JoeGermuska closed 1 month ago

JoeGermuska commented 1 month ago

For what it's worth, I tried using this on MacOS Sonoma 14.6.1 and hit an error in atfile.invoke.upload because -c is not a valid flag for the version of stat.

stat: illegal option -- c
usage: stat [-FLnq] [-f format | -l | -r | -s | -x] [-t timefmt] [file ...]


electricduck commented 1 month ago

Woops, this ain't my issue. Re-opening!

Should be fixed in 0.4.5.

bdotsamir commented 1 month ago

Hello! This is still not fixed. -c is still used.

electricduck commented 1 month ago

Hello! This is still not fixed. -c is still used.

Hrm. Could you do echo $OSTYPE in Bash on macOS for me? Apparently whatever I read to detect macOS doesn't work

bdotsamir commented 1 month ago

$OSTYPE is currently set to darwin24.0 in Zsh. in Bash, it's darwin24.

Can I ask by the way, why not just run uname ? on Linux, it'll return Linux, and on macos it'll return Darwin. That seems to be all this function is doing 👀

electricduck commented 1 month ago

$OSTYPE is currently set to darwin24.0 in Zsh. in Bash, it's darwin24.

Can I ask by the way, why not just run uname ? on Linux, it'll return Linux, and on macos it'll return Darwin. That seems to be all this function is doing 👀

It's a bit of futureproofing I had in mind, and I prefer using Bash-isms and built-in variables when I can, even though I imagine $OSTYPE is built from uname. If there is any more irritating problems going forward I'll probably drop it in favour of uname though

electricduck commented 1 month ago

To save myself from pushing out a million release, not going to do another release until I'm certain this (and any other macOS woes) is fixed.

Should be fixed in atfile.sh on 02dd356

bdotsamir commented 1 month ago

I have another (two) macOS woes for you 😄 date is complaining about some illegal option -, and realpath complains about -s not being an option. the former I suspect some variable isn't being set. would you like me to open another issue for this? or should we choose this thread to be the master macos annoyances thread?

electricduck commented 1 month ago

should we choose this thread to be the master macos annoyances thread?

Saw this coming from a mile away, haha. Yeah, we'll keep it here :+1:

Gladly accept PRs too since I'm blindly doing this, and although macOS does generally use BSD tools, from memory of using macOS years ago there was a few disparities

electricduck commented 1 month ago

@bdotsamir realpath and date handled in 4bb6dc817f6dc9a619f52fc5bda1eb9c5a467f6e.

The next one might be file, since I can't figure out if macOS has --mime-type or not

bdotsamir commented 1 month ago

I dont see date handled in that diff :( nvm it was in another commit lol And I would PR myself but it's hard to follow the code here. I'll see if I can give it a go

bdotsamir commented 1 month ago

looks like the date command is receiving the format wrongly:

bdotsamir commented 1 month ago

6 fixes the date parsing on macos at least.. though it still fails to upload. not sure what's causing it this time.

electricduck commented 1 month ago

6 fixes the date parsing on macos at least.. though it still fails to upload. not sure what's causing it this time.

hmm, what happens now?

bdotsamir commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure.. it just fails to upload. Error: Unable to upload \

electricduck commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure.. it just fails to upload. Error: Unable to upload

How large is the file? And could you do atfile something-broke

bdotsamir commented 1 month ago

The file is not large at all, 242 kb.


``` ATFile ↳ Version: 0.4.5 ↳ UAS: ATFile/0.4.5 Variables ↳ ATFILE_DEBUG: 0 [0] ↳ ATFILE_ENABLE_HIDDEN_COMMANDS: 0 [0] ↳ ATFILE_ENDPOINT_PDS: ↳ ATFILE_ENDPOINT_PLC_DIRECTORY: https://plc.directory [https://plc.directory] ↳ ATFILE_ENDPOINT_RESOLVE_HANDLE: https://zio.blue [https://zio.blue] ↳ ATFILE_FMT_BLOB_URL: [server]/xrpc/com.atproto.sync.getBlob?did=[did]&cid=[cid] [[server]/xrpc/com.atproto.sync.getBlob?did=[did]&cid=[cid]] ↳ ATFILE_FMT_OUT_FILE: [key]__[name] [[key]__[name]] ↳ ATFILE_INCLUDE_FINGERPRINT: 0 [0] ↳ ATFILE_MAX_LIST: 30 [30] ↳ ATFILE_OUTPUT_JSON: 0 [0] ↳ ATFILE_SKIP_AUTH_CHECK: 0 [0] ↳ ATFILE_SKIP_COPYRIGHT_WARN: 0 [0] ↳ ATFILE_SKIP_NI_EXIFTOOL: 0 [0] ↳ ATFILE_SKIP_NI_MEDIAINFO: 0 [0] ↳ ATFILE_PASSWORD: (Set) ↳ ATFILE_USERNAME: strange.boats Environment ↳ OS: null ↳ Shell: /bin/zsh ↳ Path: /Users/samir/.nvm/versions/node/v20.16.0/bin:/Users/samir/.bun/bin:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin:/opt/homebrew/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/System/Cryptexes/App/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/var/run/com.apple.security.cryptexd/codex.system/bootstrap/usr/local/bin:/var/run/com.apple.security.cryptexd/codex.system/bootstrap/usr/bin:/var/run/com.apple.security.cryptexd/codex.system/bootstrap/usr/appleinternal/bin:/opt/X11/bin:/Library/Apple/usr/bin:/usr/local/MacGPG2/bin:/Library/TeX/texbin:/Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Public:/Users/samir/.nvm/versions/node/v20.16.0/bin:/Users/samir/miniconda3/condabin:/Users/samir/.bun/bin:/Users/samir/Library/pnpm:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/bin:/Users/samir/.cargo/bin:/Users/samir/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/scripts:/Users/samir/Library/Android/sdk/emulator:/Users/samir/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools:/Users/samir/.spicetify:/Users/samir/.local/bin:/Users/samir/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/scripts:/Users/samir/Library/Android/sdk/emulator:/Users/samir/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools:/Users/samir/.spicetify:/Users/samir/.local/bin Deps ↳ Bash: 3.2.57(1)-release ↳ curl: 8.7.1 ↳ ExifTool: 12.76 ↳ jq: 1.6-159-apple-gcff5336-dirty ↳ md5sum: md5sum (Darwin) 1.0 ↳ MediaInfo: (Not Installed) Actor ↳ DID: did:plc:gtxn6xv4ade4abph2dds4clf ↳ PDS: https://enoki.us-east.host.bsky.network Misc. ↳ md5sum Output: b0e62c6e9157105020c9ba4a7cfed9f3 /Users/samir/Downloads/atfile/atfile.sh ↳ Now: 2024-10-27T00:19:49Z ↳ Rows: 36 ```
electricduck commented 1 month ago

@bdotsamir In 7c3d928f2703c85c7e1d775000e53fd3805fb512, I've added some more debug checkpoints to see exactly where its going wrong. If you run it with ATFILE_DEBUG=1, you'll see this output

bdotsamir commented 1 month ago



Hm. Should the size field be blank?

electricduck commented 1 month ago


Hm. Should the size field be blank?

No, it shouldn't be. That'll be where its going wrong. That is being done with wc -c "<file>" | cut -d " " -f 1. afaik, wc has the same params on macOS/BSD... but maybe the output is different

bdotsamir commented 1 month ago



(no seriously i just needed to change it like so:

- file_size="$(wc -c "$file" | cut -d " " -f 1)"
+ file_size="$(wc -c "$file" | cut -d " " -f 3)"



This did not fix the issue though. Uploading a different file type, .mov for example, changes the number we should be putting after -f in the cut command. Why? dunno.

iirc awk is installed everywhere and might have better support for parsing out numbers instead of cutting by space and taking the nth index

electricduck commented 1 month ago

Just replaced the filesize calc with stat instead of using wc

bdotsamir commented 1 month ago

@electricduck That did it! Not getting any more errors 🥳

electricduck commented 1 month ago

These fixes are in 0.4.6

electricduck commented 1 month ago

@JoeGermuska Could you update and confirm this works for you too (and close the ticket if it does) :smile:

JoeGermuska commented 1 month ago

0.4.6 works for me!