electricduck / atfile

📦➔🦋 Store and retrieve files on the ATmosphere
MIT License
89 stars 5 forks source link
atproto bluesky file-hosting


Store and retrieve files on a PDS (like Bluesky)
Written entirely in Bash Shell. No NodeJS here!

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✨ Quick Start

curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/electricduck/atfile/refs/heads/main/atfile-install.sh | bash
echo 'ATFILE_USERNAME="<your-atproto-username>"' > ~/.config/atfile.env  # e.g. jay.bsky.team, did:plc:oky5czdrnfjpqslsw2a5iclo
echo 'ATFILE_PASSWORD="<your-atproto-password>"' >> ~/.config/atfile.env
atfile help