electrode-samples / hapi-react-redux

Hapi boilerplate application for demostrating integration of Electrode standalone modules
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This repo is a sample Hapijs app with the following Electrode modules:


git clone https://github.com/docs-code-examples-electrode-io/hapi-react-redux.git
npm install


NODE_ENV=development npm run build
NODE_ENV=development npm run start
NODE_ENV=production npm run build
NODE_ENV=production npm run start


Hapijs Server

git clone https://github.com/luandro/hapi-universal-redux.git hapiApp
cd hapiApp
npm install
NODE_ENV=development npm run build
NODE_ENV=development npm start
NODE_ENV=production npm run build
NODE_ENV=production npm start

Electrode React SSR Caching

electrode-react-ssr-caching module supports profiling React Server Side Rendering time and component caching to help you speed up SSR.

It supports 2 types of caching:


$ npm install --save electrode-react-ssr-caching



To demonstrate functionality, we have added:

const cacheConfig = {
  components: {
    SSRCachingTemplateType: {
      strategy: "template",
      enable: true
    SSRCachingSimpleType: {
      strategy: "simple",
      enable: true


Electrode Redux Router Engine


npm install --save electrode-redux-router-engine


import { createStore } from "redux";
import ReduxRouterEngine from 'electrode-redux-router-engine';

function createReduxStore(request) {
  let initialState = {count : 100};
  let rootReducer = (s, a) => s;

  return Promise.all([
    ]).then(() => {
      return store;

const engine = new ReduxRouterEngine({ routes, createReduxStore});
    .then( (result) => {
      // send full HTML with result back using res

Above The Fold Only Server Render

Above-the-fold-only-server-render is a React component for optionally skipping server side rendering of components outside above-the-fold (or inside of the viewport). This component helps render your components on the server that are above the fold and the remaining components on the client.

Above-the-fold-only-server-render helps increase performance both by decreasing the load on renderToString and sending the end user a smaller amount of markup.

By default, the above-the-fold-only-server-render component is an exercise in simplicity; it does nothing and only returns the child component.


npm install above-the-fold-only-server-render --save

You can tell the component to skip server side rendering either by passing a prop skip={true} or by setting up skipServerRender in your app context and passing the component a contextKey prop.

Let's explore passing skip prop; there is an example in <your-hapi-app>/components/above-fold-simple.jsx. On the Home page, click the link to render the localhost:3000/above-the-fold page.

The best way to demo this existing component is actually going to be in your node_modules.

Navigate to <your-hapi-app>/node_modules/above-the-fold-only-server-render/lib/components/above-the-fold-only-server-render.js line 29:

  var SHOW_TIMEOUT = 50;

When we use this module at WalmartLabs, it's all about optimization. You are going to change line 29 to slow down the SHOW_TIMEOUT so you can see the component wrapper in action: Change this to:

  var SHOW_TIMEOUT = 3000;

Run the commands below and test it out in your app:

  gulp hot

The code in the <h3> tags that are above and below the <AboveTheFoldOnlyServerRender skip={true}> </AboveTheFoldOnlyServerRender> will render first:

  import React from "react";
  import {AboveTheFoldOnlyServerRender} from "above-the-fold-only-server-render";

  export class AboveFold extends React.Component {

    render() {
      return (
          <h3>Above-the-fold-only-server-render: Increase Your Performance</h3>
          <AboveTheFoldOnlyServerRender skip={true}>
              <div className="renderMessage" style={{color: "blue"}}>
                <p>This will skip server rendering if the 'AboveTheFoldOnlyServerRender'
                  lines are present, or uncommented out.</p>
                <p>This will be rendered on the server and visible if the 'AboveTheFoldOnlyServerRender'
                  lines are commented out.</p>
                <p>Try manually toggling this component to see it in action</p>
                  <a href="https://github.com/electrode-io/above-the-fold-only-server-render"
                    target="_blank">Read more about this module and see our live demo
          <h3>This is below the 'Above the fold closing tag'</h3>

You can also skip server side rendering by setting context in your app and passing a contextKey prop. Here is an example:

  const YourComponent = () => {
      return (
        <AboveTheFoldOnlyServerRender contextKey="aboveTheFoldOnlyServerRender.SomeComponent">
          <div>This will not be server side rendered based on the context.</div>

  class YourApp extends React.Component {
    getChildContext() {
      return {
        aboveTheFoldOnlyServerRender: {
          YourComponent: true

    render() {
      return (
        <YourComponent />

  YourApp.childContextTypes = {
    aboveTheFoldOnlyServerRender: React.PropTypes.shape({
      AnotherComponent: React.PropTypes.bool

To learn more about this essential stand alone module visit the above-the-fold-only-server-render Github repo.

Built with :heart: by Team Electrode @WalmartLabs.