electroneum / electroneum-pool

GNU General Public License v2.0
178 stars 177 forks source link

Electroneum Pool (node-cryptonote-pool)

High performance Node.js (with native C addons) mining pool for CryptoNote based coins such as Electroneum, Monero, Bytecoin, QuazarCoin, HoneyPenny, etc.. Comes with lightweight example front-end script which uses the pool's AJAX API.

Table of Contents


Community / Support

Pools Using This Software



Node.js v0.10.48

Those are legitimate requirements. If you use a different version of Node.js or Redis that may come with your system package manager then you will have problems. Follow the linked instructions to get the last stable versions.

Redis security warning: be sure firewall access to redis - an easy way is to include bind in your redis.conf file. Also it's a good idea to learn about and understand software that you are using - a good place to start with redis is data persistence.

1) Downloading & Installing

Clone the repository and run npm update for all the dependencies to be installed:

git clone https://github.com/electroneum/electroneum-pool.git pool
cd pool
npm update

2) Daemon & Wallet

Firstly, You'll need to download & compile the daemon source code found here

Secondly, Start a screen session, e.g screen -S daemon. Then run ./electroneumd wherever the compiled binaries are. This will download the blockchain. You'll need to wait until you're fully synced before continuing.

Thirdly, Once synced you'll need to create a wallet. Detatch from the screen session using CTRL + A, CTRL + D (This works for me on putty). Open up another screen session, e.g screen -S wallet. Then run ./electroneum-wallet-cli wherever the compiled binaries are, This will take your through creating a wallet. Once generated, type exit to close the wallet.

Lastly you need to start the wallet RPC server which makes the payments to your miners. This can be started using ./electroneum-wallet-rpc --wallet-file walletfilename --password walletfilepassword --rpc-bind-port 26969 --disable-rpc-login

walletfilename & walletfilepassword are what you supplied when generating the wallet. You can change the port, just remember to change it in the config.json file.

[Security Warning]We strongly recommend that you transfer funds out of this wallet regularly. This way, if your server is comprimised you won't lose all your profits. Bear in mind you'll need to leave enough to pay any outstanding payments to miners.

3) Configuration

Warning for Cryptonote coins other than Electroneum: this software may or may not work with any given cryptonote coin. Be wary of altcoins that change the number of minimum coin units because you will have to reconfigure several config values to account for those changes. Unless you're offering a bounty reward - do not open an issue asking for help getting a coin other than electroneum working with this software.

Copy the config_example.json file to config.json then overview each options and change any to match your preferred setup.

Explanation for each field:

    "coin": "electroneum",
    "symbol": "ETN",
    "logging": {
        "files": {
            "level": "info",
            "directory": "logs",
            "flushInterval": 5

        "console": {
            "level": "info",
            "colors": true
    "poolServer": {
        "enabled": true,
        "clusterForks": "auto",
        "poolAddress": "WALLETADDRESSHERE",
        "blockRefreshInterval": 1000,
        "minerTimeout": 900,
        "ports": [
                "port": 3333,
                "difficulty": 100,
                "desc": "Low end hardware"
                "port": 5555,
                "difficulty": 2000,
                "desc": "Mid range hardware"
                "port": 7777,
                "difficulty": 10000,
                "desc": "High end hardware"
        "varDiff": {
            "minDiff": 2,
            "maxDiff": 100000,
            "targetTime": 100,
            "retargetTime": 30,
            "variancePercent": 30,
            "maxJump": 100
        "shareTrust": {
            "enabled": true,
            "min": 10,
            "stepDown": 3,
            "threshold": 10,
            "penalty": 30
        "banning": {
            "enabled": true,
            "time": 600,
            "invalidPercent": 25,
            "checkThreshold": 30
        "slushMining": {
            "enabled": false,
            "weight": 300,
            "lastBlockCheckRate": 1
    "payments": {
        "enabled": true,
        "interval": 600,
        "maxAddresses": 10,
        "mixin": 0,
        "transferFee": 1,
        "minPayment": 10000,
        "denomination": 100
    "blockUnlocker": {
        "enabled": true,
        "interval": 30,
        "depth": 20,
        "poolFee": 1.8,
        "devDonation": 0.1,
        "coreDevDonation": 0.1
    "api": {
        "enabled": true,
        "hashrateWindow": 600,
        "updateInterval": 3,
        "port": 8117,
        "blocks": 30,
        "payments": 30,
        "password": "test"
    "daemon": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 26968
    "wallet": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 26969
    "redis": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 6379,
        "auth": null

4) [Optional] Configure cryptonote-easy-miner for your pool

Your miners that are Windows users can use cryptonote-easy-miner which will automatically generate their wallet address and stratup multiple threads of simpleminer. You can download it and edit the config.ini file to point to your own pool. Inside the easyminer folder, edit config.init to point to your pool details


Rezip and upload to your server or a file host. Then change the easyminerDownload link in your config.json file to point to your zip file.

5) Start the pool

node init.js

The file config.json is used by default but a file can be specified using the -config=file command argument, for example:

node init.js -config=config_backup.json

This software contains four distinct modules:

By default, running the init.js script will start up all four modules. You can optionally have the script start only start a specific module by using the -module=name command argument, for example:

node init.js -module=api

Example screenshot of running the pool in single module mode with tmux.

6) Host the front-end

Simply host the contents of the website_example directory on file server capable of serving simple static files.

Edit the variables in the website_example/config.js file to use your pool's specific configuration. Variable explanations:

/* Must point to the API setup in your config.json file. */
var api = "http://poolhost:8117";

/* Minimum units in a single coin, for Electroneum its 100. */
var coinUnits = 100;

/* Pool server host to instruct your miners to point to.  */
var poolHost = "poolhost.com";

/* IRC Server and room used for embedded KiwiIRC chat. */
var irc = "irc.freenode.net/#electroneum";

/* Contact email address. */
var email = "support@poolhost.com";

/* Market stat display params from https://www.cryptonator.com/widget - Not used for Electroneum pool */
var cryptonatorWidget = ["XMR-BTC", "XMR-USD", "XMR-EUR", "XMR-GBP"];

/* Download link to cryptonote-easy-miner for Windows users. */
var easyminerDownload = "https://github.com/zone117x/cryptonote-easy-miner/releases/";

/* Used for front-end block links. */
var blockchainExplorer = "https://blockexplorer.electroneum.com/block/";

/* Used by front-end transaction links. */
var transactionExplorer = "https://blockexplorer.electroneum.com/tx";

7) Customize your website

The following files are included so that you can customize your pool website without having to make significant changes to index.html or other front-end files thus reducing the difficulty of merging updates with your own changes:

Then simply serve the files via nginx, Apache, Google Drive, or anything that can host static content.


You can configure the API to be accessible via SSL using various methods. Find an example for nginx below:

location /json_rpc {

location ~ ^/api/(.*) {

By adding this you will need to make your api variable in the website_example/config.js include the /api. For example:
var api = "http://poolhost/api";

You no longer need to include the port in the variable because of the proxy connection.


When updating to the latest code its important to not only git pull the latest from this repo, but to also update the Node.js modules, and any config files that may have been changed.




Released under the GNU General Public License v2
