elehman16 / gpt4_bias

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Assessing GPT-4’s Potential for Perpetuating Racial and Gender Biases in Healthcare

This repository accompanies the paper "Coding Inequity: Assessing GPT-4’s Potential for Perpetuating Racial and Gender Biases in Healthcare".


The data is available in the data_to_share folder. This can be broken into several pieces:

  1. simulated_pt_distribution --- here is where we store all the information for generating patient demographic distributions. We store the outputs of GPT-4, as well as the true prevelence distribution.

  2. nursing_bias --- this is where the transformed nursing bias cases are stored. We additionally store the outputs here.

  3. healer_cases --- this is where the healer cases are stored. We additionally store the outputs here.

Demographic Distribution

There are two folders in simulated_pt_distribution --- outputs and true_dist_work. In outputs, the files are just outputs of GPT-4. These are all pickle files. You can load these by running the following commands:

import pickle
PATH_TO_PICKLE_FILE = "data_to_share/simulated_pt_distribution/outputs/Bacterial Pneumonia_GPT4_x50.pkl"
with open(PATH_TO_PICKLE_FILE, "rb") as f:
    loaded_file = pickle.load(f)

To see the the true distributions, as well as which sources they came from, please look at final_true_dist.csv. There are some other CSVs in this folder; however, final_true_dist.csv is the main file that should be looked at. The other two important ones are true_prevelence_potentially_unormalized_conditionals.csv and true_prevelence_potentially_unormalized.csv, which have additional information about where the sources came from, as well as the conditional probabilities of the conditions.

Nursing Bias Cases

This folder mostly contains the vignettes, as well as the outputs of GPT-4. The vignettes can either by loaded through the .py files OR through the csv file. To load the CSV file, you can use the following code:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("data_to_share/nursing_bias/unconscious_bias_nurses_final.csv")

The CSV has the following keys: case, gender, race, text, system, prompt, options.

Healer Cases

Unfortunately, this is the messiest part of the data --- We apologize in advance! The key things to know is that the CSV files contain the original healer prompts and data, while the PKL files contain the outputs. The CSV files have the following rows:

We additionally provide the outputs of GPT-4 for each of these cases. These can be found in the PKL files.


This folder has some basic prompts that we use throughout the code.

Running Code

In this section, we will describe the code layout! This is still a work in progress. If you are re-running OpenAI commands, be sure to set the os.environ properly, in order to contain your specific API key.


To generate the nursing bias cases from the .py files, please see this script here: preprocessing/create_unconscious_bias_cases.py. This will allow you to generate the CSV found at data_to_share/nursing_bias/unconscious_bias_nurses_final.csv.

GPT-4 Outputs

A lot of the code for generating the outputs of GPT-4 can be found in the src/notebooks file. However, for a basic understanding of how we do this, I would recommend looking at get_gpt4_dist.py, which queries for the conditions seen in Figure 1.

Running Code

The code to generate the figures can be seen in either their respective folder (e.g., src/healer_cases/) or in src/notebooks. Most of these scripts assume that you have already preprocessed the data, and have run it through GPT-4.


If you have questions, please email lehmer16@mit.edu or raise an issue on the Github.