elenapan / dotfiles

There is no place like ~/
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many errors and a semi black screen :) #135

Open 3l0w opened 3 years ago

3l0w commented 3 years ago

Hi i am trying to use your thing on my computer buy i get some troubles.

2020-12-06 00:46:56 W: awesome: Could not load Rsvg: /usr/share/lua/5.1/lgi/namespace.lua:158: Typelib file for namespace 'Rsvg' (any version) not found
stack traceback:
        ...sr/local/share/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/imagebox.lua:57: in main chunk
        [C]: in function 'require'
        /usr/local/share/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/init.lua:13: in main chunk
        [C]: in function 'require'
        /usr/local/share/awesome/lib/wibox/init.lua:29: in main chunk
        [C]: in function 'require'
        /usr/local/share/awesome/lib/awful/widget/common.lua:11: in main chunk
        [C]: in function 'require'
        ...usr/local/share/awesome/lib/awful/widget/taglist.lua:123: in main chunk
        [C]: in function 'require'
        /usr/local/share/awesome/lib/awful/widget/init.lua:11: in main chunk
        [C]: in function 'require'
        /usr/local/share/awesome/lib/awful/init.lua:24: in main chunk
        [C]: in function 'require'
        /home/fl0w/.config/awesome/rc.lua:178: in main chunk

a lot of:

2020-12-06 00:46:56 W: awesome: beautiful: can't get colorscheme from xrdb for value 'background' (using fallback).

and when i right click some apps icons appear but does nothing when i click on them

here is the full logs: https://hastebin.com/ekamazarej.sql and there is some screenshots of the window

Screenshot_20201206_004708 Screenshot_20201206_005314

EDIT: i am running kubuntu 20.10

devHarshShah commented 3 years ago

Hey There!! Did you or anyone get any solution because I am having the same problem! Please help with how to resolve!!

image image

carpenike commented 3 years ago

also having the same problem!

carpenike commented 3 years ago

does it have something to do with the gtk themes and other files in the misc dir?

devHarshShah commented 3 years ago

does it have something to do with the gtk themes and other files in the misc dir?

I tried almost everything! Now i have reinstalled arch now i am gonna first install a desktop mostly xfce4 and then set the auto login session for lightdm to awesome or perhaps manually choose it everytime!!

I sometimes think by any chance is there anything to do with it not working on Virtualbox cuz i have tried it on VBox only. Anyone using it to dual boot are you all getting a same issue? I will let you all know if i fix it!! And if anyone does please do comment here and let us know!!

devHarshShah commented 3 years ago

Isn't there anyone from the elenapan team to help us resolve this issue i have been trying to resolve this for the past 3 days.

ceuk commented 3 years ago

Have you tried copying the provided Xresources file to ~/.Xresources? And have you tried running xrdb -merge?


git clone https://github.com/elenapan/dotfiles.git ~/elenapan_dotfiles cp ~/elenapan_dotfiles/.Xresources ~/.Xresources xrdb -merge ~/elenapan_dotfiles/.xfiles/amarena

Most color values in the theme are taken from Xresources. See: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/X_resources for more info and configuration

devHarshShah commented 3 years ago

I didn't try this will try and let you know. Thank you!

devHarshShah commented 3 years ago

Its giving me error xrdb: Can't Open Display ' '

ceuk commented 3 years ago

Odd, what exact command were you running?

When/how are you running the command

What is the output of echo $DISPLAY

devHarshShah commented 3 years ago

See actually I was fed up with it not working so before your reply i had already started with a fresh install!! And i was following two guides so i would have done some blunder now while installing arch on virtualbox so its not working even if i try to install xfce4 and the installation is successful after i reboot i am still taken to the terminal the basic one! So i don't know what mistake i did cuz i am new to linux and a NOOB. So please if you could suggest me a proper guide which i may follow i would be thankful! I tried the arch wiki but it is a bit difficult for a new comer! And this error i can get when i run anything like xrandr or mainly the last command in your reply above the xrdb -merge command!

ceuk commented 3 years ago

@SamShah30112004 the problem with third-party guides is that they may contain errors or become out of date. Personally, I wouldn't recommend using anything except the official Arch Wiki to guide your install.

Another issue with a guide is that even if you follow it successfully, you won't really understand what you've done and how to fix things when they go wrong. A key principle of Arch is that you understand at least the basic fundamentals of how your system operates.

If you want something that "just works" without having to go away and do a fair bit of learning I'd recommend trying something like Ubuntu or Debian instead as they have installers that can do all the work for you.

If you want to carry on down this route - it looks like the problem is your $DISPLAY variable isn't being set. (try echo $DISPLAY to check). It might be worth having a check back through the guide you're following to see if you've missed a section anywhere where it asks you to export $DISPLAY somewhere.

Personally, I'd recommend switching to Ubuntu or similar for now - you'll have a much less frustrating time (you can still use AweseomWM on Ubuntu)

devHarshShah commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your help ceuk. My brother suggested me to try endeavour OS and so installed using the GUI and still have kinda the arch feeling. I have installed awesome and configuration is ofc elenapan and I just love it. I had again got this black screen issue but your first comment the xrdb - merge solved the problem. Thanks alot!!

imskr commented 3 years ago

@ceuk @elenapan I am able to see wallpaper and dock but nothing is clickable. No buttons working. Keybindings also not working. I tried following @ceuk steps but it's not working. I am using lightdm and installed this on fresh Arch.

ceuk commented 3 years ago

@imskr doesn't sound related to the colours being wrong tbh do I don't think that stuff I posted will be relevant.

You may be better off using the discussions feature it creating a new issue.

0xff01WasTaken commented 2 years ago

im getting this issue too, im on Arch in a virtual machine, any ideas? (ive tried all the things mentioned in this thread but they dont work)


0xff01WasTaken commented 2 years ago

ah, i found the problem, you need to install picom (ive found ibhagwan/picom works)and then use the picom config (in dotfiles/config/picom) and then move it to ~/.config/picom (make the directory if it isnt there) and run picom

just putting it out incase anyone else finds this problem

0xff01WasTaken commented 2 years ago

did you run picom in the tty? that wont work

are you able to open a terminal window (windows key + enter) (after starting awesomewm with startx)

0xff01WasTaken commented 2 years ago

thats wierd

can you try making a new file called .xinitrc in ~/ and add this



# merge in defaults and keymaps

if [ -f $sysresources ]; then

    xrdb -merge $sysresources


if [ -f $sysmodmap ]; then
    xmodmap $sysmodmap

if [ -f "$userresources" ]; then

    xrdb -merge "$userresources"


if [ -f "$usermodmap" ]; then
    xmodmap "$usermodmap"

# start some nice programs

if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ] ; then
 for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/?*.sh ; do
  [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"
 unset f

exec awesome

Not exactly sure if itll help but at this point im grasping at straws also if its possible for you try sending the logs (located in ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.<number, if multiple send all>.log)

0xff01WasTaken commented 2 years ago

also, are you starting X with a sudo user?

0xff01WasTaken commented 2 years ago

ok just to clarify, you just see a black screen with colored bars at the top? did you make sure to change the terminal in the config to the one you have? (in rc.lua) as thats the only thing i can think of

can you do windows + r ? (after starting awesome)

0xff01WasTaken commented 2 years ago

for your folders, i think its a problem with ranger, can you open ranger in tty?

also can you try uninstalling kitty and installing something like alacritty or st (both worked for me)

if you can use windows + r after uninstalling kitty run alacritty/st/whatever terminal from there and check if it works

0xff01WasTaken commented 2 years ago


also, install ranger with

sudo pacman -S ranger