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Pipewire-pulse support? #149

Closed iojcde closed 3 years ago

iojcde commented 3 years ago

Pipewire-pulse, a drop-in replacement for pulseaudio for pipewire, doesn't include the command pacmd, which causes problems like the Volume notification not show itself because It doesn't know what the default sink is.

awful.spawn.easy_async_with_shell("pactl list sinks | awk '/\\* index: /{nr[NR+7];nr[NR+11]}; NR in nr'", function(stdout) This is the line that causes this in evil/volume.lua.

Could anyone help me with configuring this with Pipewire-pulse?

iojcde commented 3 years ago

Never mind, I figured it out on my own.

-- evil::volume
--      percentage (integer)
--      muted (boolean)
local awful = require("awful")

local volume_old = -1
local muted_old = -1
local function emit_volume_info()
    -- Get volume info of the currently active sink
    -- The currently active sink has a star `*` in front of its index
    -- In the output of `pacmd list-sinks`, lines +7 and +11 after "* index:"
    -- contain the volume level and muted state respectively
    -- This is why we are using `awk` to print them.
    awful.spawn.easy_async_with_shell("pactl list sinks ", function(stdout)
        local volume = stdout:match('(%d+)%% /')
        local muted = stdout:match('Mute:(%s+)[yes]')
        local muted_int = muted and 1 or 0
        local volume_int = tonumber(volume)
        -- Only send signal if there was a change
        -- We need this since we use `pactl subscribe` to detect
        -- volume events. These are not only triggered when the
        -- user adjusts the volume through a keybind, but also
        -- through `pavucontrol` or even without user intervention,
        -- when a media file starts playing.
        if volume_int ~= volume_old or muted_int ~= muted_old then
            awesome.emit_signal("evil::volume", volume_int, muted)
            volume_old = volume_int
            muted_old = muted_int

-- Run once to initialize widgets

-- Sleeps until pactl detects an event (volume up/down/toggle mute)
local volume_script = [[
    bash -c "
    LANG=C pactl subscribe 2> /dev/null | grep --line-buffered \"Event 'change' on sink #\"

-- Kill old pactl subscribe processes
awful.spawn.easy_async({"pkill", "--full", "--uid", os.getenv("USER"), "^pactl subscribe"}, function ()
    -- Run emit_volume_info() with each line printed
    awful.spawn.with_line_callback(volume_script, {
        stdout = function(line)

Keep in mind that this probably only works because I have only one sink in pipwire-pulse