elephant-detection / research

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Repository to collect research on elephant detection methods

The repository aids to collect an evaluate different methods of elephant detection. Elephant detection can be done in many different ways, e.g.



The aim of this research is to find methods for non-invasive methods only, since the system we develop should be deployed in such a way that it does not change the behaviour of the elephants in their natural habitat in any way.

Evalutation Criteria

For a method to be selected for evaluation it needs to present certain acceptance criteria.

  1. It needs to be described in a written summary or scientific paper
  2. It needs to be technically and financially feasable for this project
  3. It needs to rely on technology that is available and legaly usable in Thailand
  4. It needs to be testable in a lab environment (we need to have some sort of data or simulation to work with the method before we test it in the jungle)
  5. It needs to show sufficient evaluation results in the research ( we want to pick a method that looks promising to succesfully detect elephants and not mis-detect humans/other animals for elephants)

Questions & Feedback

For questions, inputs or any other kind of feedback please use the Github Issues Feature and create a new Issue



Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International


Please see License.md file