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ELEPHANT Docs: Documentation for ELEPHANT tracking software
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ELEPHANT: Tracking cell lineages in 3D by incremental deep learning

Developer Ko Sugawara
Forum Image.sc forum
Please post feedback and questions to the forum.
It is important to add the tag elephant to your posts so that we can reach you quickly.
Source code GitHub
Publication Sugawara, K., Çevrim, C. & Averof, M. Tracking cell lineages in 3D by incremental deep learning. eLife 2022. doi:10.7554/eLife.69380


ELEPHANT is a platform for 3D cell tracking, based on incremental and interactive deep learning.\ It implements a client-server architecture. The server is built as a web application that serves deep learning-based algorithms. The client application is implemented by extending Mastodon, providing a user interface for annotation, proofreading and visualization. Please find below the system requirements for each module.

Getting Started

The latest version of ELEPHANT is distributed using Fiji.


Please install Fiji on your system and update the components using ImageJ updater.


  1. Start Fiji.

  2. Run Help > Update... from the menu bar.

  3. Click on the button Manage update sites.

  4. Tick the checkboxes for ELEPHANT and Mastodon update sites.

  5. Click on the button Close in the dialog Manage update sites.

  6. Click on the button Apply changes in the dialog ImageJ Updater.

  7. Restart Fiji.

When there is an update, ImageJ Updater will notify you. Alternatively, you can check the updates manually by running Help > Update.... It is recommended to keep up-to-date with the latest version of ELEPHANT to follow the new features and bug fixes.

Prepare a Mastodon project

To start working with ELEPHANT, you need to prepare a Mastodon project.

1. Prepare image data in the BDV format

Download the demo data and extract the files as below.

├── elephant-demo.h5
└── elephant-demo.xml

Alternatively, you can follow the instructions here to prepare these files for your own data.

ELEPHANT provides a command line interface to convert image data stored in Cell Tracking Challenge style to the BDV format.
# Convert image data stored in Cell Tracking Challenge style to the BDV format
Fiji.app/ImageJ-linux64 --ij2 --headless --console --run Fiji.app/scripts/ctc2bdv.groovy "input='CTC_TIF_DIR', output='YOUR_DATA.xml', sizeX=0.32, sizeY=0.32, sizeZ=2.0, unit='µm'"

2. Create a project

Click the new Mastodon project button in the Mastodon launcher window and click the browse button on the right.

Specify the .xml file for the dataset and click the create button on the bottom right.

Now, you will see the main window as shown below.

3. Save & load a Mastodon project

To save the project, you can either run File > Save Project, click the save/save as... button in the main window, or use the shortcut S, generate a .mastodon file.

A .mastodon project file can be loaded by running File > Load Project or clicking the open Mastodon project button in the Mastodon launcher window.

Setting up the ELEPHANT Server

The Control Panel is displayed by default at startup. If you cannot find it, run Plugins > ELEPHANT > Window > Control Panel to show it.

The Control Panel shows the statuses of the servers (ELEPHANT server and RabbitMQ server).\ It also provides functions for setting up the servers.

The ELEPHANT server provides main functionalities (e.g. detection, linking), while the RabbitMQ server is used to send messages to the client (e.g. progress, completion).

DEPRECATED: Google Colab has updated its policy and restricted the use of SSH, with which ELEPHANT establish the connection. Please consider using Google Cloud instead.

Setting up with Google Cloud

Here, we will set up the servers using Google Cloud, a cloud computing services by Google. You don't need to have a high-end GPU or a Linux machine to start using ELEPHANT's deep learning capabilities. Please follow the instructions in the video below to get started.

Advanced options for the server setup can be found here

Working with a BigDataViewer (BDV) window

1. BigDataViewer window

Click the bdv button in the main window.

The following window will pop up.

2. Shortcuts

ELEPHANT inherits the user-friendly shortcuts from Mastodon. To follow this documentation, please find the Keymap tab from File > Preferences... and select the Elephant keymap from the pull down list.

The following table summaraizes the frequently-used actions used in the BDV window.

If you are already familiar with Mastodon, please note that some shortcuts are modified from the default shortcuts.
Action Shortcut
Move in X & Y Right-click+mouse-drag
Move in Z Mouse-wheel (Press and hold Shift to move faster, Ctrl to move slower)
Align view with
XY / YZ / XZ planes
Shift+Z (XY plane)
Shift+X (YZ plane)
Shift+Y (XZ plane)
Zoom / Unzoom Ctrl+Shift+mouse-wheel
Next time-point 3
Previous time-point 2
Brightness and color dialog P
Save display settings F11
Open a new BDV window V
Add a new spot A
Move the highlighted spot Space+mouse-drag
Remove the highlighted spot D
Navigate to the highlighted spot W
Increase / Decrease the radius
of the highlighted spot
E/Q (Medium step)
Shift+E/Shift+Q (Coarse step)
Ctrl+E/Ctrl+Q (Fine step)
Alt+E/Alt+Q (Selected axis with medium step) ELEPHANT only
Select axis Alt+X (X axis)
Alt+Y (Y axis)     ELEPHANT only
Alt+Z (Z axis)
Rotate the highlighted spot Alt+ (Counterclockwise) / Alt+ (Clockwise)    ELEPHANT only

In the following steps, we use multiple BDV windows to visualize a 3D volume from different axes. Please open three BDV windows by clicking the bdv button in the main window (Shortcut: V), then rotate them to show one of XY, XZ or YZ plane using the shortcuts (Shift+Z, Shift+Y or Shift+X) on each window. Finally, synchronize them by clicking the key icon on top left in each BDV window.

3. Annotating spots

Ellipsoids can be added and manipulated to annotate spots (e.g. nuclei) using shortcuts. Typically, the user will perform the following commands.

  1. Add a spot (A)
  2. Increase (E) / Decrease (Q) the radius of the spot
  3. Select an axis to adjust the radius (Alt+X / Alt+Y / Alt+Z)
  4. Increase (Alt+E) / Decrease (Alt+Q) the radius of the spot along the selected axis (a sphere becomes an ellipsoid)
  5. Select an axis to rotate (Alt+X / Alt+Y / Alt+Z)
  6. Rotate the spot along the selected axis counterclockwise (Alt+) or clockwise (Alt+)

Please put all BDV windows in the same group by clicking the key icon on top left in the window to synchronize them.

4. Tagging spots

Spots are colored using the Detection coloring mode by default.\ You can change the coloring mode from View > Coloring.

Status Color
Accepted Cyan
Rejected Magenta
Unevaluated Green

In the training module, the Accepted annotations are converted to foreground labels, and Rejected annotations are to background labels. Background labels can also be generated by an intensity thresholding, where the threshold is specified by the auto BG threshold parameter in the Preferences dialog. ELEPHANT provides the following shortcut keys for annotating spots.

Action Shortcut
Accepte 4
Reject 5
For advanced users: Please check here

5. Adding links

Links can be added in the following four ways on the BDV window; pressing down one of the following keys (keydown) will move you automatically to the next or the previous timepoint (depending on the command, see below):

  1. Keydown A on the highlighted spot, then keyup at the position where you want to add a linked spot in the next timepoint.
  2. Keydown L on the highlighted spot, then keyup on the target annotated spot in the next timepoint.
  3. Keydown Shift+A on the highlighted spot, then key up at the position you want to add a linked spot in the previous timepoint.
  4. Keydown Shift+L on the highlighted spot, then keyup on the target annotated spot in the previous timepoint.

Spots and links that are added manually in this fashion are automatically tagged as Approved in the Tracking tag set.

To visualize the Tracking tag, set the coloring mode to Tracking by View > Coloring > Tracking.

Detection workflow

In the following workflow, please put all relevant BDV windows in the group 1 by clicking the key icon on top left in the window.

1. Settings

Open a Preferences dialog Plugins > ELEPHANT > Preferences....

Change the dataset name to elephant-demo (or the name you specified for your dataset).

When you change some value in the settings, a new setting profile is created automatically.

The profile name can be renamed.

Press the Apply button on bottom right and close the settings dialog (OK or x button on top right).

Please check the settings parameters table for detailed descriptions about the parameters.

2. Initialize a model

First, you need to initialize a model by Plugins > ELEPHANT > Detection > Reset Detection Model.

This command creates a new model parameter file with the name you specified in the settings (detection.pth by default) in the workspace/models/ directory, which lies in the directory you launched on the server. There are three options for initialization:

  1. Versatile: initialize a model with a versatile pre-trained model
  2. Default: initialize a model with intensity-based self-supervised training
  3. From File: initialize a model from a local file
  4. From URL: initialize a model from a specified URL
If a specified model is not initialized before prediction or training, ELEPHANT automatically initialize it with a versatile pre-trained model.

3. Prediction

After initialization of a model you can try a prediction. Plugins > ELEPHANT > Detection > Predict Spots

Alt+S is a shortcut for prediction

4. Training on batch mode

Based on the prediction results, you can add annotations as described earlier.

Train the model by Plugins > ELEPHANT > Detection > Train Selected Timpepoints.

Predictions with the updated model should yield better results.

In general, a batch mode is used for training with relatively large amounts of data. For more interactive training, please use the live mode explained below.

5. Training on live mode

In live mode, you can iterate the cycles of annotation, training, prediction and proofreading more frequently.

Start live mode by Plugins > ELEPHANT > Detection > Live Training.

During live mode, you can find the text "live mode" on top of the BDV view.

Every time you update the labels (Shortcut: U), a new training epoch will start, with the latest labels in the current timepoint. To perform prediction with the latest model, the user needs to run Predict Spots (Shortcut: Alt+S) after the model is updated.

6. Saving a model

The model parameter files are located under workspace/models on the server.\ If you are using your local machine as a server, these files should remain unless you do not delete them explicitly.\ If you are using Google Colab, you may need to save them before terminating the session.\ You can download the model parameter file by running Plugins > ELEPHANT > Detection > Download Detection Model or Plugins > ELEPHANT > Linking > Download Flow Model.\ Alternatively, you can make it persistent on your Google drive by uncommenting the first code cell in the Colab notebook.

You can find pretrained parameter files used in the paper.

7. Importing a model

The model parameter file can be specified in the Preferences dialog, where the file path is relative to /workspace/models/ on the server.\ There are three ways to import the pre-trained model parameters:

  1. Run Plugins > ELEPHANT > Detection > Reset Detection Model and select the From File option with the local file.

  2. Upload the pre-trained parameters file to the website that provides a public download URL (e.g. GitHub, Google Drive, Dropbox). Run Plugins > ELEPHANT > Detection > Reset Detection Model and select the From URL option with the download URL.

  3. Directly place/replace the file at the specified file path on the server.

Linking workflow

In the following workflow, please put all relevant BDV windows in the group 1 by clicking the key icon on top left in the window.

1. Prepare a dataset for linking

Here, we will load a project from a .masotodon project that contains spots data. Please place the file in the same folder as the BDV files (.h5 and .xml) are in.

├── elephant-demo.h5
├── elephant-demo.xml
└── elephant-demo-with-spots.mastodon

Alternatively, you can complete detection by yourself.

2. Settings for linking

We start with a linking using the nearest neighbor algorithm without flow support.

Please confirm that the use optical flow for linking option is off.

For other settings, please check the detailed descriptions.

3. Nearest neighbor algorithm without flow support

In the demo dataset, please go to the last timepoint (t = 9).

Run the nearest neighbor linking action by Alt+L or Plugins > ELEPHANT > Linking > Nearest Neighbor Linking.

To open the TrackScheme window, click the button "trackscheme" in the Mastodon main window.

In the following steps, please set the coloring mode to Tracking by View > Coloring > Tracking in the TrackScheme window and the BigDataViewer window.

4. Nearest neighbor algorithm with flow support

Please turn on the use optical flow for linking option.

Please initialize the flow model with the Versatile option Plugins > ELEPHANT > Linking > Reset Flow Model.

Run the nearest neighbor linking action by Alt+L or Plugins > ELEPHANT > Linking > Nearest Neighbor Linking.

5. Proofreading

Using both the BDV window and the trackscheme, you can remove/add/modify spots and links to build a complete lineage tree.

Once you finish proofreading of a track (or a tracklet), you can tag it as Approved in the Tracking tag set.

Select all spots and links in the track by Shift+Space, and Edit > Tags > Tracking > Approved. There is a set of shortcuts to perform tagging efficiently. The shortcut Y pops up a small window on top left in the TrackScheme window, where you can select the tag set, followed by the tag by pressing a number in the list. For example, Edit > Tags > Tracking > Approved corresponds to the set of shortcuts [Y > 2 > 1].

Spots and links tagged with Approved will remain unless users do not reomove them explicitly (the unlabeled links will be removed at the start of the next prediction). The Approved links will also be used for training of a flow model.

If you cannot see the colors as in the video, please make sure that you set the coloring mode to Tracking by View > Coloring > Tracking in the TrackScheme window and the BigDataViewer window.

6. Training a flow model

Once you collect certain amount of link annotations, a flow model can be trained with them by Plugins > ELEPHANT > Linking > Train Optical Flow.

Currently, there is only a batch mode for training of a flow model, which works with the annotations in the time range specified in the settings.

If you start training from scratch, it will take relatively long time to get the flow model to converge. Alternatively, you can incrementally train a model, starting with the pretrained model parameters.

Action list

Category Action On Menu Shortcut Description
Detection Predict Spots Yes Alt+S Predict spots with the specified model and parameters
Predict Spots Around Mouse No Alt+Shift+S Predict spots around the mouse position on the BDV view
Update Detection Labels Yes U Predict spots
Reset Detection Labels Yes Not available Reset detection labels
Start Live Training Yes Not available Start live training
Train Detection Model (Selected Timepoints) Yes Not available Train a detection model with the annotated data from the specified timepoints
Train Detection Model (All Timepoints) Yes Not available Train a detection model with the annotated data from all timepoints
Reset Detection Model Yes Not available Reset a detection model by one of the following modes: `Versatile`, `Default`, `From File` or `From URL`
Download Detection Model Yes Not available Download a detection model parameter file.
Linking Nearest Neighbor Linking Yes Alt+L Perform nearest neighbor linking with the specified model and parameters
Nearest Neighbor Linking Around Mouse No Alt+Shift+L Perform nearest neighbor linking around the mouse position on the BDV view
Update Flow Labels Yes Not available Update flow labels
Reset Flow Labels Yes Not available Reset flow labels
Train Flow Model (Selected Timepoints) Yes Not available Train a flow model with the annotated data from the specified timepoints
Reset Flow Model Yes Not available Reset a flow model by one of the following modes: `Versatile`, `Default`, `From File` or `From URL`
Download Flow Model Yes Not available Download a flow model parameter file.
Utils Map Spot Tag Yes Not available Map a spot tag to another spot tag
Map Link Tag Yes Not available Map a link tag to another link tag
Remove All Spots and Links Yes Not available Remove all spots and links
Remove Short Tracks Yes Not available Remove spots and links in the tracks that are shorter than the specified length
Remove Spots by Tag Yes Not available Remove spots with the specified tag
Remove Links by Tag Yes Not available Remove spots with the specified tag
Remove Visible Spots Yes Not available Remove spots in the current visible area for the specified timepoints
Remove Self Links Yes Not available Remove accidentally generated links that connect the identical spots
Take a Snapshot Yes H Take a snapshot in the specified BDV window
Take a Snapshot Movie Yes Not available Take a snapshot movie in the specified BDV window
Import Mastodon Yes Not available Import spots and links from a .mastodon file.
Export CTC Yes Not available Export tracking results in a Cell Tracking Challenge format.
The tracks whose root spots are tagged with Completed are exported.
Change Detection Tag Set Colors Yes Not available Change Detection tag set colors (Basic or Advanced)
Analysis Tag Progenitors Yes Not available Assign the Progenitor tags to the tracks whose root spots are tagged with Completed. Tags are automatically assigned starting from 1. Currently, this action supports maximum 255 tags.
Tag Progenitors Yes Not available Label the tracks with the following rule.
  1. Proliferator: the track contains at least one division
  2. Non-proliferator: the track is completely tracked from TIMEPOINT_THRESHOLD_LOWER to TIMEPOINT_THRESHOLD_HIGHER and has no division
  3. Invisible(undetermined): neither of the above applies
Tag Dividing Cells Yes Not available Tag the dividing and divided spots in the tracks as below.
  1. Dividing: the spots that divide between the current and next timepoint (two outgoing links)
  2. Divided: the spots that divided between the previous and current timepoint
  3. Non-dividing: neither of the above applies
Count Divisions (Entire) Yes Not available Count number of divisions in a lineage tree and output as a .csv file.
In the Entire mode, a total number of divisions per timepoint is calculated.
In the Trackwise mode, a trackwise number of divisions per timepoint is calculated.
Count Divisions (Trackwise)
Window Client Log Yes Not available Show a client log window
Server Log Yes Not available Show a server log window
Control Panel Yes Not available Show a control panel window
Abort Processing Yes Ctrl+C Abort the current processing
Preferences... Yes Not available Open a preferences dialog

Tag details

The tagging function of Mastodon can provide specific information on each spot. ELEPHANT uses the Tag information for processing.

In the detection workflow, the Detection tag set is used (See below for all provided tag sets available on ELEPHANT).

There are two color modes in the Detection tag set, Basic and Advanced. You can switch between them from Plugins > ELEPHANT > Utils > Change Detection Tag Set Colors.

Predicted spots and manually added spots are tagged by default as unlabeled and fn, respectively.

These tags are used for training, where true spots and false spots can have different weights for training.

Highlighted spots can be tagged with one of the Detection tags using the shortcuts shown below.

Tag Shortcut
tp 4
fp 5
tn 6
fn 7
tb 8
fb 9
unlabeled 0

Tag sets available on ELEPHANT

By default, ELEPHANT generates and uses the following tag sets.

Tag set Tag Color Description
Detection tp cyan Annotate spots for
training and prediction
in a detection workflow
true positive; generates nucleus center and nucleus periphery labels
fp magenta false positive; generates background labels with a false weight
tn red true negative; generates background labels
fn yellow false negative; generates nucleus center and nucleus periphery labels with a false weight
tb orange true border; generates nucleus periphery labels
fb pink false border; generates nucleus periphery labels with a false weight
unlabeled green unevaluated; not used for labels
Tracking Approved cyan Annotate links for
training and prediction
in a linking workflow
approved; generates flow labels
unlabeled green unevaluated; not used for flow labels
Progenitor 1-255 glasbey Visualize progenitors assigned by an anlysis plugin or manually by a user
unlabeled invisible not assigned; invisible on the view
Status Completed cyan Label status of tracks completed tracks
Division Dividing cyan Annotate division
status of spots
spots about to divide
Divided yellow spots just divided
Non-dividing magenta othe positive spots
Invisible invisible negative spots are invisible
Proliferator Proliferator cyan Annotate proliferation
status of spots
spots in the proliferating lineage tree
Non-proliferator magenta spots in the non-proliferating lineage tree
Invisible invisible undetermined spots are invisible

Settings parameters

Category Parameter Description
Basic Settings prediction with patches If checked, prediction is performed on the patches with the size specified below.
  patch size x Patch size for x axis. If the prediction with patches is unchecked, it is not used.
  patch size y Patch size for y axis. If the prediction with patches is unchecked, it is not used.
  patch size z Patch size for z axis. If the prediction with patches is unchecked, it is not used.
number of crops Number of crops per timepoint per epoch used for training.
number of epochs Number of epochs for batch training. Ignored in live mode.
time range Time range (backward) for prediction and batch training. For example, if the current time point is `10` and the specified time range is `5`, time points `[6, 7, 8, 9, 10]` are used for prediction and batch training.
auto BG threshold Voxels with the normalized value below auto BG threshold are considered as *BG* in the label generation step.
learning rate Learning rate for training.
probablility threshold Voxels with a center probability greater than this threshold are treated as the center of the ellipsoid in detection.
suppression distance If the predicted spot has an existing spot (either TP, FN or unlabeled) within this value, one of the spots is suppressed.
If the existing spot is TP or FN, the predicted spot is suppressed.
If the existing spot is unlabeled, the smaller of the two spots is suppressed.
min radius If one of the radii of the predicted spot is smaller than this value, the spot will be discarded.
max radius Radii of the predicted spot is clamped to this value.
NN linking threshold In the linking workflow, the length of the link should be smaller than this value.
If the optical flow is used in linking, the length is calculated as the distance based on the flow-corrected position of the spot. This value is referred to as d_serch in the paper.
NN max edges This value determines the number of links allowed to be created in the linking Workflow.
use optical flow for linking If checked, optical flow estimation is used to support nearest neighbor (NN) linking.
use interpolation for linking If checked, the missing spots in the link are interpolated, which happens when 1 < NN search neighbors.
dataset dir The path of the dataset dir stored on the server.
The path is relative to /workspace/models/ on the server.
detection model file The path of the [state_dict](https://pytorch.org/tutorials/beginner/saving_loading_models.html#what-is-a-state-dict) file for the detection model stored on the server.
The path is relative to /workspace/models/ on the server.
flow model file The path of the [state_dict](https://pytorch.org/tutorials/beginner/saving_loading_models.html#what-is-a-state-dict) file for the flow model stored on the server.
The path is relative to /workspace/models/ on the server.
detection Tensorboard log dir The path of the Tensorboard log dir for the detection model stored on the server.
The path is relative to /workspace/logs/ on the server.
flow Tensorboard log dir The path of the Tensorboard log dir for the flow model stored on the server.
The path is relative to /workspace/logs/ on the server.
Advanced Settings output prediction If checked, prediction output is save as .zarr on the server for the further inspection.
apply slice-wise median correction If checked, the slice-wise median value is shifted to the volume-wise median value.
It cancels the uneven slice wise intensity distribution.
mitigate edge discontinuities If checked, discontinuities found in the edge regions of the prediction are mitigated.
The required memory size will increase slightly.
rescale x rescale the image data in x axis with this value.
rescale y rescale the image data in y axis with this value.
rescale z rescale the image data in z axis with this value.
training crop size x Training crop size for x axis. The smaller of this parameter and the x dimension of the image is used for the actual crop size x.
training crop size y Training crop size for y axis. The smaller of this parameter and the y dimension of the image is used for the actual crop size y.
training crop size z Training crop size for z axis. The smaller of this parameter and the z dimension of the image is used for the actual crop size z.
batch size Batch size for training and prediction.
class weight background Class weight for background in the loss function for the detection model.
class weight border Class weight for border in the loss function for the detection model.
class weight center Class weight for center in the loss function for the detection model.
flow dim weight x Weight for x dimension in the loss function for the flow model.
flow dim weight y Weight for y dimension in the loss function for the flow model.
flow dim weight z Weight for z dimension in the loss function for the flow model.
false weight Labels generated from false annotations (FN, FP, FB) are weighted with this value in loss calculation during training (relative to true annotations).
center ratio Center ratio of the ellipsoid used in label generation and detection.
max displacement Maximum displacement that would be predicted with the flow model. This value is used to scale the output from the flow model.
Training and prediction should use the same value for this parameter. If you want to transfer the flow model to another dataset, this value should be kept.
augmentation scale factor base In training, the image volume is scaled randomly based on this value.
e.g. If this value is 0.2, the scaling factors for three axes are randomly picke up from the range [0.8, 1.2].
augmentation rotation angle In training, the XY plane is randomly rotated based on this value. The unit is degree.
e.g. If this value is 30, the rotation angle is randomly picked up from the range [-30, 30].
augmentation contrast In training, the contrast is modified randomly based on this value.
e.g. If this value is 0.2, the contrast is randomly picked up from the range [0.8, 1].
NN search depth This value determines how many timepoints the algorithm searches for the parent spot in the linking workflow.
NN search neighbors This value determines how many neighbors are considered as candidates for the parent spot in the linking workflow.
Training log intervals This value specifies how frequently the logging takes place in training.
Cache maximum bytes (MiB) This value specifies the memory size to be used for caching. Caching enables faster data loading.
use memmap This value specifies if a memory-map is enabled in data loading. Memory-map enables memory-efficient data loading. Memory-mapped files are stored in workspace/memmaps which can grow large as these files accumulate. The user can delete these files when they are not needed.
log file basename This value specifies log file basename.
~/.mastodon/logs/client_BASENAME.log, ~/.mastodon/logs/server_BASENAME.log will be created and used as log files.
Server Settings ELEPHANT server URL with port number URL for the ELEPHANT server. It should include the port number (e.g. http://localhost:8080)
RabbitMQ server port Port number of the RabbitMQ server.
RabbitMQ server host name Host name of the RabbitMQ server. (e.g. localhost)
RabbitMQ server username Username for the RabbitMQ server.
RabbitMQ server password Password for the RabbitMQ server.
ELEPHANT provides options for faster and memory-efficient data loading. Caching mechanism directly store the loaded data in RAM using the Least Recently Used storategy. The user can specify the maximum size of RAM for caching in the preferences dialog. Memory-map is another optional layer in data loading. Memory-map stores an array in a binary format and accesses data chunks only when they are required, enabling a meomory-efficient data handling. The above two options can be used together.

System Requirements

ELEPHANT Server Requirements (Docker)

Operating System Linux-based OS compatible with NVIDIA Container Toolkit
Docker Docker with NVIDIA Container Toolkit (see supported versions)
GPU NVIDIA CUDA GPU with sufficient VRAM for your data (recommended: 11 GB or higher)
Storage Sufficient size for your data (recommended: 1 TB or higher)

ELEPHANT Server Requirements (Singularity)

Operating System Linux-based OS
Singularity Singularity (see requirements for NVIDIA GPUs & CUDA)
GPU NVIDIA CUDA GPU with sufficient VRAM for your data (recommended: 11 GB or higher)
Storage Sufficient size for your data (recommended: 1 TB or higher)
The total amount of data can be 10-30 times larger than the original data size when the prediction outputs (optional) are generated.

ELEPHANT Client Requirements

Operating System Linux, Mac or Windows OS
Java Java Runtime Environment 8 or higher
Storage Sufficient size for your data (Please consider using BigDataServer for the huge data)

ELEPHANT Data Overview

The ELEPHANT client uses the same type of image files as Mastodon. The image data are imported as a pair of HDF5 (.h5) and XML (.xml) files from BigDataViewer (BDV).

The ELEPHANT server stores image, annotation and prediction data in Zarr (.zarr) format.

Data type Client Server
Image HDF5 (.h5) Zarr (.zarr)
Image metadata XML (.xml) Not available
Annotation Mastodon project (.mastodon) Zarr (.zarr)
Prediction Mastodon project (.mastodon) Zarr (.zarr)
Project metadata Mastodon project (.mastodon) Not available
Viewer settings (Optional) XML (.xml) Not available

Advanced options for the ELEPHANT Server

There are three options to set up the ELEPHANT server.

DEPRECATED: Google Colab has updated its policy and restricted the use of SSH, with which ELEPHANT establish the connection. Please consider using Google Cloud instead.

Setting up with Docker


Please check that your computer meets the server requirements.

Install Docker with NVIDIA Container Toolkit.

By defaut, ELEPHANT assumes you can run Docker as a non-root user.\ If you need to run Docker with sudo, please set the environment variable ELEPHANT_DOCKER as below.

export ELEPHANT_DOCKER="sudo docker"

Alternatively, you can set it at runtime.

make ELEPHANT_DOCKER="sudo docker" bash
1.Download/Clone a repository

Download and extract the latest release of the ELEPHANT server here.

Alternatively, you can clone a repository from GitHub.

git clone https://github.com/elephant-track/elephant-server.git
2. Build a Docker image

First, change the directory to the project root.

cd elephant-server

The following command will build a Docker image that integrates all the required modules.

make build
3. Generate a dataset for the ELEPHANT server (Optional)
In the latest version, this step can be done automatically and you do not need to do it manually if there is no particular reason.

Please prepare your image data, producing a pair of BigDataViewer .h5 and .xml files, or download the demo data and extract it as below.

The ELEPHANT server deals with images using Zarr. The following command generates required zarr files from the BigDataViewer .h5 file.

├── datasets
│   └── elephant-demo
│       ├── elephant-demo.h5
│       └── elephant-demo.xml

Run the script inside a Docker container.

make bash # run bash inside a docker container
python /opt/elephant/script/dataset_generator.py --uint16 /workspace/datasets/elephant-demo/elephant-demo.h5 /workspace/datasets/elephant-demo
# usage: dataset_generator.py [-h] [--uint16] [--divisor DIVISOR] input output

# positional arguments:
#   input              input .h5 file
#   output             output directory

# optional arguments:
#   -h, --help         show this help message and exit
#   --uint16           with this flag, the original image will be stored with
#                      uint16
#                      default: False (uint8)
#   --divisor DIVISOR  divide the original pixel values by this value (with
#                      uint8, the values should be scale-downed to 0-255)

exit # exit from a docker container

You will find the following results.

├── datasets
│   └── elephant-demo
│       ├── elephant-demo.h5
│       ├── elephant-demo.xml
│       ├── flow_hashes.zarr
│       ├── flow_labels.zarr
│       ├── flow_outputs.zarr
│       ├── imgs.zarr
│       ├── seg_labels_vis.zarr
│       ├── seg_labels.zarr
│       └── seg_outputs.zarr
By default, the docker container is launched with volumes, mapping the local workspace/ directory to the /workspace/ directory in the container.
The local workspace directory can be set by the ELEPHANT_WORKSPACE environment variable (Default: ${PWD}/workspace).
# This is optional
make bash
# This is optional
Multi-view data is not supported by ELEPHANT. You need to create a fused data (e.g. with BigStitcher Fuse) before converting to .zarr .
4. Launch the ELEPHANT server via Docker

The ELEPHANT server is accompanied by several services, including Flask, uWSGI, NGINX, redis and RabbitMQ. These services are organized by Supervisord inside the Docker container, exposing the port 8080 for NGINX and 5672 for RabbitMQ available on localhost.

make launch # launch the services

Now, the ELEPHANT server is ready.

Setting up with Singularity


Singularity >= 3.6.0 is required. Please check the version of Singularity on your system.

singularity --version

Download and extract the latest release of the ELEPHANT server here.

Alternatively, you can clone a repository from GitHub.

1. Build a container

Run the following command at the project root directory where you can find a elephant.def file.\ The following command build a singularity container (delephant.sif) and copies /var/lib/, /var/log/ and /var/run/ in the container to $HOME/.elephant_binds on the host.

make singularity-build
2. Start an instance for the ELEPHANT server

The command below starts an instance (see details) named elephant using the image written in elephant.sif.\ Please set the environment variable ELEPHANT_WORKSPACE to the workspace directory on your system.

make singularity-launch

Please specify the environment variable ELEPHANT_GPU if you want to use a specific GPU device on your system (default: all).

ELEPHANT_GPU=0 make singularity-launch

At this point, you will be able to work with the ELEPHANT server. Please follow the instructions for seting up the remote connection.

3. Stop an instance for the ELEPHANT server

After exiting the exec by Ctrl+C, please do not forget to stop the instance.

make singularity-stop

Remote connection to the ELEPHANT server

The ELEPHANT server can be accessed remotely by exposing the ports for NGINX (8080 by default) and RabbitMQ (5672 by default) .

To establish connections to the server, one option would be to use SSH portforwarding.\ You can use the Control Panel to establish these connections. Please set the parameters and press the Add Port Forward button.

Alternatively, you can use CLI. Assuming that you can access to the computer that launches the ELEPHANT server by ssh USERNAME@HOSTNAME (or ssh.exe USERNAME@HOSTNAME on Windows), you can forward the ports for ELEPHANT as below.

ssh -N -L 8080:localhost:8080 USERNAME@HOSTNAME # NGINX
ssh -N -L 5672:localhost:5672 USERNAME@HOSTNAME # RabbitMQ
ssh.exe -N -L 8080:localhost:8080 USERNAME@HOSTNAME # NGINX
ssh.exe -N -L 5672:localhost:5672 USERNAME@HOSTNAME # RabbitMQ

After establishing these connections, the ELEPHANT client can communicate with the ELEPHANT server just as launched on localhost.

Demo Data



This research was supported by the European Research Council, under the European Union Horizon 2020 programme, grant ERC-2015-AdG #694918. The software is developed in Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle de Lyon (IGFL) / Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS).

and other great projects.


Ko Sugawara

Please post feedback and questions to the Image.sc forum.\ It is important to add the tag elephant to your posts so that we can reach you quickly.


Please cite our paper on eLife.

@article {Sugawara2022,
    author = {Sugawara, Ko and {\c{C}}evrim, {\c{C}}a?r? and Averof, Michalis},
    title = {Tracking cell lineages in 3D by incremental deep learning},
    year = {2022},
    doi = {10.7554/eLife.69380},
    abstract = {Deep learning is emerging as a powerful approach for bioimage analysis. Its use in cell tracking is limited by the scarcity of annotated data for the training of deep-learning models. Moreover, annotation, training, prediction, and proofreading currently lack a unified user interface. We present ELEPHANT, an interactive platform for 3D cell tracking that addresses these challenges by taking an incremental approach to deep learning. ELEPHANT provides an interface that seamlessly integrates cell track annotation, deep learning, prediction, and proofreading. This enables users to implement cycles of incremental learning starting from a few annotated nuclei. Successive prediction-validation cycles enrich the training data, leading to rapid improvements in tracking performance. We test the software's performance against state-of-the-art methods and track lineages spanning the entire course of leg regeneration in a crustacean over 1 week (504 time-points). ELEPHANT yields accurate, fully-validated cell lineages with a modest investment in time and effort.},
    URL = {https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.69380},
    journal = {eLife}
download as .bib file

