elevation / event_calendar

Show multiple, overlapping events across calendar days and rows. Rails plugin.
MIT License
950 stars 212 forks source link


Easily show multiple, overlapping events across calendar days and rows.

See http://dev.elevationblog.com/2009/7/23/event-calendar-rails-plugin for a screenshot.

After install, the "calendar" method will be available within your views.

To customize the look, modify the included stylesheet and/or change the default options.


=== Rails 2

script/plugin install git://github.com/elevation/event_calendar.git

To generate the necessary static files AND the example below:

script/generate event_calendar

=== Rails 3

As a gem:

gem install event-calendar

Add this to your Gemfile:

gem 'event-calendar', :require => 'event_calendar'

Or as a plugin:

rails plugin install git://github.com/elevation/event_calendar.git

To generate the necessary static files AND the example below:

rails generate event_calendar

=== Generator Options

script/generate event_calendar --help

--static-only: Only generate the stylesheet and javascript --use-jquery: Generate jQuery javascript --use-mootools: Generate MooTools javascript --use-all-day: Include an 'all_day' field on events, and display appropriately

You can change the default event model name (Event) and controller/view name (Calendar) by passing in two name arguments:

script/generate event_calendar EventModel ControllerName

==Generated Files

Make sure to include the stylesheet and javascript in your layout/view.

====Static files

public/stylesheets/event_calendar.css public/javascripts/event_calendar.js

Unless the --static-only option is given, the following will be generated. Names will differ if name arguments were passed to the generator.


class CreateEvents < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :events do |t| t.string :name t.datetime :start_at t.datetime :end_at


def self.down
  drop_table :events


At minimum we need to have start_at and end_at fields. Altnernatively, you can configure the columns to be used by passing options to has_event_calendar.

If the '--use-all-day' option is passed to the generator, it will also add a boolean all_day field. Set :start_at to be any time on the day of the event and set :all_day to true.

An event can also have a color field (any string which is a valid CSS color) which determines the color of the event. Or simply override the default virtual attribute on the model. For example, if events are associated to a calendar model, then the events can get their color from the calendar.


class Event < ActiveRecord::Base has_event_calendar

# To specify the columns to use call it like this:
# has_event_calendar :start_at_field  => 'custom_start_at', :end_at_field => 'custom_end_at'



Rails 2:

map.calendar '/calendar/:year/:month', :controller => 'calendar', :action => 'index', :requirements => {:year => /\d{4}/, :month => /\d{1,2}/}, :year => nil, :month => nil

Rails 3:

match '/calendar(/:year(/:month))' => 'calendar#index', :as => :calendar, :constraints => {:year => /\d{4}/, :month => /\d{1,2}/}


class CalendarController < ApplicationController

def index
  @month = (params[:month] || Time.zone.now.month).to_i
  @year = (params[:year] || Time.zone.now.year).to_i

  @shown_month = Date.civil(@year, @month)

  @event_strips = Event.event_strips_for_month(@shown_month)

  # To restrict what events are included in the result you can pass additional find options like this:
  # @event_strips = Event.event_strips_for_month(@shown_month, :include => :some_relation, :conditions => 'some_relations.some_column = true')




Some helper methods are created, but you could put this in the view. The key is our calendar method, which takes some options.

module CalendarHelper def month_link(month_date) link_to(I18n.localize(month_date, :format => "%B"), {:month => month_date.month, :year => month_date.year}) end

# custom options for this calendar
def event_calendar_options
    :year => @year,
    :month => @month,
    :event_strips => @event_strips,
    :month_name_text => I18n.localize(@shown_month, :format => "%B %Y"),
    :previous_month_text => "<< " + month_link(@shown_month.prev_month),
    :next_month_text => month_link(@shown_month.next_month) + " >>"

def event_calendar
  calendar event_calendar_options do |args|
    event = args[:event]
    %(<a href="https://github.com/elevation/event_calendar/blob/master/events/#{event.id}" title="#{h(event.name)}">#{h(event.name)}</a>)


Notice you can pass in a block to the calendar method. In this example I'm passing a link to the event details, and displaying the event's name. If you are using the MooTools javascript, a Tip will be created with the content of the link's title attribute for displaying additional information.


Then in calendar view, simply:

<%= event_calendar %>

In Rails 3, use raw(event_calendar)

==Default Options

The default options for the calendar are:

defaults = { :year => Time.zone.now.year, :month => Time.zone.now.month, :abbrev => true, :first_day_of_week => 0, # See note below when setting this :show_today => true, :show_header => true, :month_name_text => Time.zone.now.strftime("%B %Y"), :previous_month_text => nil, :next_month_text => nil, :event_strips => [],

# it would be nice to have these in the CSS file
# but they are needed to perform height calculations
:width => nil,
:height => 500, 
:day_names_height => 18,
:day_nums_height => 18,
:event_height => 18,
:event_margin => 1,
:event_padding_top => 1,

:use_all_day => false,
:use_javascript => true,
:link_to_day_action => false


You can override any of these by passing your options to the calendar method. In the above example, update the event_calendar_options helper method.



===ORM Support

Mongoid is supported out of the box with no additional lines of code in the model. Use the has_event_calendar method as you do with ActiveRecord.


To localize month and day names, add the following to your localization file(s) in config/locales:

date -> formats, day_names, abbr_day_names, month_names, abbr_month_names

For example, in es.yml:

es: date: formats: default: "%e/%m/%Y"

  day_names: [Domingo, Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado]
  abbr_day_names: [Dom, Lun, Mar, Mie, Jue, Vie, Sab]

  # Don't forget the nil at the beginning; there's no such thing as a 0th month
  month_names: [~, Enero, Febrero, Marzo, Abril, Mayo, Junio, Julio, Agosto, Septiembre, Octubre, Noviembre, Diciembre]
  abbr_month_names: [~, Ene, Feb, Mar, Abr, May, Jun, Jul, Ago, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dic]


== History

Copyright (c) 2009 Elevation, released under the MIT license