elfalehed / noahark

:video_game: An adventure/terminal game
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:cyclone: Noah's Ark

New Verion & Update on the way.

You're TheOne, The one whos gonna save the world. The profet sais "You will lead an army in A purpose of inlighting the world" You have some goals to achieve. But you have to be ready first. You're not a warrior, You are a leader, a master You need to learn and practise and be familiar with all of the sciences (Mathematics, Geometry, History, Geography and more..) Because the worlds fate is on you now. You're gonna lead an army to fight for what's right. And to spread knowledge and fight ignorance.. (Details in the story)

This game is divided on levels, each level should determine if you can pass to the next one or not. Each level will have a Quiz with a guidline to follow. Each question you answer will enable you to increase your points and move on to the next.
Noah's Ark is a game (still under development), Its basic idea is to face few questions on different areas, topics such as :

:memo: What should i do ?

This game is still under development as i said. But once it finish you'll be able to play it freely. I'm working on versions the first shot is gonna played on the terminal after cloning the repo and launching the .py file. The next is gonna be developed with GUI SO the player could function well and focus more in the game.

:dart: Things to be done :