elian15122000 / TINF19C-PLCOpen-Editor

DHBW Stuttgart TINF19C PLCOpen-Editor (Softwareengineering)
MIT License
8 stars 1 forks source link


Welcome to the repository of the Web PLCOpen-Editor!

This is a student project developed at Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) Stuttgart and supervised by Markus Rentschler and Christian Holder.
Our team members are:

  1. Mouaz Tabboush
  2. Leonie de Santis
  3. Elian Yildirim
  4. Franziska Kopp
    The goal of this project is to develop a web version of the OpenPLC-Editor that supports the Sequential Function Chart (SFC) and Function Block Diagram (FBD) languages. It is supposed to be an easy tool to create PLC programs without needing to install the software.

How to run

Installing NodeJs
In order to install Angular you need npm, which comes with NodeJs. visit this link to download and install NodeJs

Installing Angular
Now go to your terminal and install angular by entering the following: npm install -g @angular/cli

Installing dependencies
Navigate in the terminal into SOURCE in the terminal and enter npm i this should install all the packages needed for the project

Testing the project
If all the dependancies are installed just navigate to OpenPLC-UI in the terminal and enter ng serve This will lunch a development serve on localhost://4200 open that on your browser and you should be good to go


What is PLC?
PLC stands for Programable logic controllers.
A simple way to understand it would be to think of PLC as a small computer that performs a list of instructions.
The list of instructions contains logic that helps determine which course of action to take on a given set of circumstances.
PLC is used in alot of areas inside and outside the industrial work. Usually where automation of tasks is the goal.
The PLC editor itself helps user create programs without the need to know the syntax of the used programming lanugage for the PLC. All what the user needs to do is to determine the logic for the controller.
The OpenPLC Reference page has a nice tutorial to follow along and learn about PLC

Why are we doing the project?
We want to develop a web version of the OpenPLC Editor to allow users to work on their programs remotely without requiring installation.
You can find more information about the project by visiting the wiki and reading the Customer Requirement Specification, System Requirements Specification and System Architecture Specification documents.

What technologies are we using to make the application?
The Application runs is written in Angular 8 and runs solely as a front end application. There is no backedend envolved

Why are we using this template for the project?
Its required of us to use this template.
However, you only need to navigate to OpenPLC-UI to see our source-code. Everything outside of the that folder is just for Project management purposes. The Template works as follows: