.. image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/pystock-crawler.png :target: http://badge.fury.io/py/pystock-crawler
.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/eliangcs/pystock-crawler.png?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/eliangcs/pystock-crawler
.. image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/eliangcs/pystock-crawler/badge.png?branch=master :target: https://coveralls.io/r/eliangcs/pystock-crawler
is a utility for crawling historical data of US stocks,
_Yahoo Finance
_NYSE ticker symbols::
DDD 3D Systems Corporation
MMM 3M Company
WBAI 500.com Limited
Apple's daily prices::
Google's fundamentals::
is based on Scrapy, so you will also need to install
prerequisites such as lxml and libffi_ for Scrapy and its dependencies. On
Ubuntu, for example, you can install them like this::
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y gcc python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev build-essential
See Scrapy's installation guide
_ for more details.
After installing prerequisites, you can then install pystock-crawler
(sudo) pip install pystock-crawler
Example 1. Fetch Google's and Yahoo's daily prices ordered by date::
pystock-crawler prices GOOG,YHOO -o out.csv --sort
Example 2. Fetch daily prices of all companies listed in
pystock-crawler prices ./symbols.txt -o out.csv
Example 3. Fetch Facebook's fundamentals during 2013::
pystock-crawler reports FB -o out.csv -s 20130101 -e 20131231
Example 4. Fetch fundamentals of all companies in ./nyse.txt
and direct
the log to ./crawling.log
pystock-crawler reports ./nyse.txt -o out.csv -l ./crawling.log
Example 5. Fetch all ticker symbols in NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX::
pystock-crawler symbols NYSE,NASDAQ,AMEX -o out.txt
Type pystock-crawler -h
to see command help::
pystock-crawler symbols <exchanges> (-o OUTPUT) [-l LOGFILE] [-w WORKING_DIR]
pystock-crawler prices <symbols> (-o OUTPUT) [-s YYYYMMDD] [-e YYYYMMDD]
[-l LOGFILE] [-w WORKING_DIR] [--sort]
pystock-crawler reports <symbols> (-o OUTPUT) [-s YYYYMMDD] [-e YYYYMMDD]
[-b BATCH_SIZE] [--sort]
pystock-crawler (-h | --help)
pystock-crawler (-v | --version)
-h --help Show this screen
-o OUTPUT Output file
-s YYYYMMDD Start date [default: ]
-e YYYYMMDD End date [default: ]
-l LOGFILE Log output [default: ]
-w WORKING_DIR Working directory [default: .]
-b BATCH_SIZE Batch size [default: 500]
--sort Sort the result
There are three commands available:
pystock-crawler symbols
grabs ticker symbol listspystock-crawler prices
grabs daily pricespystock-crawler reports
grabs fundamentals<exchanges>
is a comma-separated string that specifies the stock exchanges
you want to include. Current, NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX are supported.
The output file of pystock-crawler symbols
can be used for <symbols>
argument in pystock-crawler prices
and pystock-crawler reports
can be an inline string separated with commas or a text file
that lists symbols line by line. For example, the inline string can be
something like AAPL,GOOG,FB
. And the text file may look like this::
# This line is comment
AAPL Put anything you want here
GOOG Since the text here is ignored
Use -o
to specify the output file. For pystock-crawler symbols
command, the output format is a simple text file. For
pystock-crawler prices
and pystock-crawler reports
the output format
is CSV.
is where the crawling logs go to. If not specified, the logs go to
By default, the crawler uses the current directory as the working directory.
If you don't want to use the current directoy, you can specify it with -w
option. The crawler keeps HTTP cache in a directory named .scrapy
the working directory. The cache can save your time by avoid downloading the
same web pages. However, the cache can be quite huge. If you don't need it,
just delete the .scrapy
directory after you've done crawling.
option is only available to pystock-crawler reports
command. It
allows you to split a large symbol list into smaller batches. This is actually
a workaround for an unresolved bug (#2). Normally you don't have to specify
this option. Default value (500) works just fine.
The rows in the output file are in an arbitrary order by default. Use
option to sort them by symbols and dates. But if you have a large
output file, don't use --sort because it will be slow and eat a lot of memory.
Installing Dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Running Test
Install test requirements::
pip install -r requirements-test.txt
Then run the test::
This will download the test data (a lot of XML/XBRL files) from from
_ on the fly, so it will take some time and disk space. The test
data is saved to pystock_crawler/tests/sample_data
directory. It can be
reused on the next time you run the test. If you don't need them, just delete
the sample_data
.. _libffi: https://sourceware.org/libffi/ .. _lxml: http://lxml.de/ .. _NASDAQ.com: http://www.nasdaq.com/ .. _Scrapy: http://scrapy.org/ .. _Scrapy's installation guide: http://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/intro/install.html .. _SEC EDGAR: http://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/companysearch.html .. _virtualenv: http://www.virtualenv.org/ .. _virtualenvwrapper: http://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.org/ .. _Yahoo Finance: http://finance.yahoo.com/