elias-ramzi / HAPPIER

This repo contains the official implementation of HAPPIER: Hierarchical Average Precision Training for Pertinent Image Retrieval (ECCV'22).
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eccv2022 hierarchical-average-precision hierarchical-image-retrieval image-retrieval ranking

Hierarchical Average Precision Training for Pertinent Image Retrieval

This repo contains the official PyTorch implementation of the HAPPIER method as described in the ECCV 2022 paper: Hierarchical Average Precision Training for Pertinent Image Retrieval.

Suggested citation

Please consider citing our work:

  title={Hierarchical Average Precision Training for Pertinent Image Retrieval},
  author={Ramzi, Elias and Audebert, Nicolas and Thome, Nicolas and Rambour, Cl{\'e}ment and Bitot, Xavier},
  booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},



This will create a virtual environment and install the dependencies described in requirements.txt:

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install -e .

WARNING: as of now this code does not work for newer version of torch. It only works with torch==1.8.1.


We use the following datasets for our paper:

Once extracted the code should work with the base structure of the datasets. You must precise the direction of the dataset to run an experiment:


For iNat you must put the split in the folder of the dataset: Inaturalist/Inat_dataset_splits.

You can also tweak the lib/expand_path.py function, as it is called for most path handling in the code.

Add you dataset

When implementing your custom dataset it shoud herit from BaseDataset

from happier.datasets.base_dataset import BaseDataset

class CustomDataset(BaseDataset):

  def __init__(data_dir, mode, transform, **kwargs):
    self.paths = ...
    self.labels = ...  # should a numpy array of ndim == 2

    super().__init__(**kwargs)  # this should be at the end.

Then add you CustomDataset to the __init__.py file of datasets.

from .custom_dataset import CustomDataset

__all__ = [

Finally you should create a config file custom_dataset.yaml in happier/config/dataset.

Run the code

The code uses Hydra for the config. You can override arguments from command line or change a whole config. You can easily add other configs in happier/config.

Do not hesitate to create an issue if you have trouble understanding the configs, I will gladly answer you.


``` CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' python happier/run.py \ 'experience.experiment_name=HAPPIER_iNat_base' \ 'experience.log_dir=experiments/HAPPIER' \ experience.seed=0 \ experience.accuracy_calculator.compute_for_hierarchy_levels=[0,1] \ experience.warmup_step=5 \ optimizer=inat \ model=resnet_ln \ transform=inat \ dataset=inat_base \ loss=HAPPIER_inat ```
``` CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' python happier/run.py \ 'experience.experiment_name=HAPPIER_iNat_full' \ 'experience.log_dir=experiments/HAPPIER/' \ experience.seed=0 \ experience.accuracy_calculator.compute_for_hierarchy_levels=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6] \ experience.warmup_step=5 \ optimizer=inat \ model=resnet_ln \ transform=inat \ dataset=inat_full \ loss=HAPPIER_inat ```

Stanford Online Products

``` CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' python happier/run.py \ 'experience.experiment_name=HAPPIER_SOP' \ 'experience.log_dir=experiments/HAPPIER' \ experience.seed=0 \ experience.max_iter=100 \ experience.warmup_step=5 \ experience.accuracy_calculator.compute_for_hierarchy_levels=[0,1] \ optimizer=sop \ model=resnet_ln \ transform=sop \ dataset=sop \ loss=HAPPIER_SOP ```

Dynamic Metric Learning

``` CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' python happier/run.py \ 'experience.experiment_name=HAPPIER_dyml_vehicle' \ 'experience.log_dir=experiments/HAPPIER' \ experience.seed=0 \ experience.accuracy_calculator.compute_for_hierarchy_levels=[0] \ experience.accuracy_calculator.overall_accuracy=True \ experience.accuracy_calculator.exclude=[NDCG,H-AP] \ experience.accuracy_calculator.recall_rate=[10,20] \ experience.accuracy_calculator.with_binary_asi=True \ optimizer=dyml \ model=dyml_resnet34 \ transform=dyml \ dataset=dyml_vehicle \ loss=HAPPIER ```
``` CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='2' python happier/run.py \ 'experience.experiment_name=HAPPIER_dyml_animal' \ 'experience.log_dir=experiments/HAPPIER' \ experience.seed=0 \ experience.accuracy_calculator.compute_for_hierarchy_levels=[0] \ experience.accuracy_calculator.overall_accuracy=True \ experience.accuracy_calculator.exclude=[NDCG,H-AP] \ experience.accuracy_calculator.recall_rate=[10,20] \ experience.accuracy_calculator.with_binary_asi=True \ optimizer=dyml \ model=dyml_resnet34 \ transform=dyml \ dataset=dyml_animal \ loss=HAPPIER_5 ```
``` CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='1' python happier/run.py \ 'experience.experiment_name=HAPPIER_dyml_product' \ 'experience.log_dir=experiments/HAPPIER' \ experience.seed=0 \ experience.max_iter=20 \ experience.warmup_step=5 \ experience.accuracy_calculator.compute_for_hierarchy_levels=[0,1,2] \ experience.accuracy_calculator.overall_accuracy=True \ experience.accuracy_calculator.exclude=[NDCG,H-AP] \ experience.accuracy_calculator.recall_rate=[10,20] \ experience.accuracy_calculator.with_binary_asi=True \ optimizer=dyml_product \ model=dyml_resnet34_product \ transform=dyml \ dataset=dyml_product \ loss=HAPPIER_product ```


Links to repo with useful features used for this code: