eliheuer / titillium-web-vf

Titillium Web variable fonts, a fork of Cairo by Mohamed Gaber:
SIL Open Font License 1.1
38 stars 2 forks source link

Titillium Web Variable Fonts

This repo contains the fonts, source files, and specimens for a remastered Titillium Web font family available on Google Fonts. It started as a fork of Cario by Mohamed Gaber, which is a fork of Titillium Web that adds support for the Arabic Script.

An interactive web specimen hosted from this repository ( docs/index.html ) is here: https://elih.blog/titillium-web-vf

basic specimen

Building New Fonts from Source

A Bash build script is located in the scripts directory. To build new font files, open a Unix(macOS, Linux, WSL, etc) terminal and activate a Python3 virtual environment with the packages from requirements.txt installed. Then, navigate to the root of this repository, and run the following:


If you want to make a new pull request to Google Fonts, clone the git repository to ~/Google/, and run the following:

scripts/build.sh && scripts/pull-request.sh

If you want to build similar fonts, but with the name Cairo, run the following:

scripts/build-cairo.sh && scripts/pull-request-cairo.sh

Installation Instructions

Font files are in the fonts directory, please follow the install inscructions for your operating system of choice:

Getting Involved

Would you like to contribute to the development of this font? Here is how you can help: