elimisteve / clint

First command line client for Tent.is
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Clint: The first command line client for Tent.is



mkdir ~/bin
curl --output ~/bin/clint --remote-name https://raw.github.com/elimisteve/clint/master/clint.rb
chmod u+x ~/bin/clint

Simple Config

Open ~/bin/clint in your favorite text editor, then set the two clearly marked variables at the top of the file: @tent_server and current_auth_details.

The value for @tent_server should be of the form "myusername.tent.is".

The correct value for current_auth_details is some JSON embedded in the page source of your Tent.is page -- e.g., https://elimisteve.tent.is for me since my username elimisteve. To view source, right-click anywhere on the page then select "View Page Source" or similar and look for the line that begins with current_auth_details. Copy and paste the string within that lines call to JSON.parse.

The resulting values should look something like this:

@tent_server = 'elimisteve.tent.is'
current_auth_details = '{"mac_key_id":"u:...","mac_key":"...","mac_algorithm":"hmac-sha-256"}'


Make sure ~/bin/ is in your $PATH, then run

clint "My first post to tent.is from the command line"

Have fun :-). Thanks to the Tent.io team for trying to decentralize, and thereby revolutionize, social media as we know it.

How awesome is clint?


Where did the name "clint" come from?

"Clint" is the wannabe reverse quasi-portmanteau of "Tent" and "client"

Install Requirements

You must have curl installed. I've tested clint on Linux using Ruby 1.9.2. Should work on OS X as well. Not sure about Windows...


clint.rb is largely a modified version of a specific part of the tent-client-ruby source, which generates much of the text needed by curl to post your status updates to Tent.is.