elimu-ai / vitabu

πŸ“š Android application for reading storybooks and expanding word vocabulary.
MIT License
3 stars 3 forks source link
android childrens-books egra familiar-word-reading reading storybooks text-to-speech tts

Vitabu πŸ“š

Android application for reading storybooks and expanding word vocabulary.


Children’s reading skills are often assessed using reading lists of unrelated words. This allows for a purer measure of word recognition and decoding skills than does reading connected text, as children are unable to guess the next word from the context when reading lists of unrelated words. For this assessment, familiar words are high-frequency words selected from first-, second-, and third-grade reading materials and storybooks in the language and context.





[!IMPORTANT] Note: This app depends on the elimu.ai Content Provider to be installed.

Development πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ’»

Compile APK:

./gradlew clean build

Install APK:

adb install app/build/outputs/apk/debug/ai.elimu.vitabu-<versionCode>-debug.apk

Perform a release:

./gradlew releaseClean
./gradlew releasePrepare -PbumpType=patch
./gradlew releasePerform

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