ellakcy / moodle-compose

A Docker Compose recipe using the ellakcy/moodle Docker image
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Deployment recipe for ellakcy's docker moodle images

This is no longer mentained you can make your own deployments using the images from https://github.com/ellakcy/docker-moodle In order to make your own look at docker-compose documentation https://docs.docker.com/compose/

A recipe/boilerplate in order to get the images from community's moodle repo up and running.


Run the following commands:

cp .env.dist .env 
git clone git@github.com:ellakcy/moodle-compose.git
ln -s ^correct_moodle_compose.yml^ docker-compose.yml

On the last command above replace the ^correct_moodle_compose.yml^ with one of the following table:

Database apache alpine fpm lts
Mysql docker-compose_mysql_apache.yml docker-compose_postgresql_alpine_fpm.yml no
mariadb docker-compose_maria_apache.yml docker-compose_maria_alpine_fpm.yml no
postgresql docker-compose_postgresql_apache.yml docker-compose_postgresql_alpine_fpm.yml no

Then edit the .env file accorditly, you will need to put some values in it please rest easy in in there are instructions in it regarding the values to fill. This can be done via a text editor:

nano .env


vi .env

After that you can start the moodle via:

docker-compose up -d

And you stop with:

docker-compose stop

Run newer version:

Step1 Backup Dababase:

Look for username and password in the database:

For postgresql:

docker-compose exec moodle_db pg_dump -U ^MOODLE_DB_USER^ ^MOODLE_DB_NAME^ > db_dump.sql

For mariadb/mysql:

docker-compose exec moodle_db mysqldump -umoodle -punsafepasswd --databases moodle > db_dump.sql

Step2 Backup moodle data and code:

In folder data/moodle are located ann the moodle data and code. In folder data/moodle/www the moodle code is located whilst at the parent data/moodle the rest of the data (images, cache etc etc) is located. In later versions we wont use a bind mount for the moodle's data. Check the volumes section in order to understand whether we use bind mount or normal volume.

You may copy the ./data/moodle to the folder of your destination. Keep in mind though because theese folder under linux environment will have either root or www-data user and group. So during restore you may want to set these permissions, use ls -l in order to keep track of them.

Step2 Download newer versions

Just run the following command:

docker-compose stop && docker-compose rm && docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d

With that we stopped removed the old images we fetched the new ones and we rerun the new containers.

Info regarding the moodle's url

Most of the times the moodle may need to run behind an http reverse proxy. In this case set the value for the url that the end user will type in his/her browser. Otherwise set the value

In case you want to change port that docker delivered nginx webserver listens

You should edit the following files:

Please keep in mind that the nginx container must listen to the very same port that is mapped into. In any other case it may cause redirect loop.

Nginx vhost as reverse proxy

The recomended way to use it is using ssl and set the following:

server {
    listen 80;
    # Put the site's url
    server_name ^site_url^;
    return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;

server {

    listen 443 ssl;

        ssl_certificate     ^path to certificate^;
        ssl_certificate_key ^path to certificate key^;
        ssl_protocols       TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
        ssl_ciphers         HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;
    server_name ellak.org;

    location / {

        proxy_http_version 1.1;
            proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
            proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
            proxy_set_header Host $host;
            proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
            proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;

          # In case or running another port please replace the value bellow.

Please replace the values that are between ^ with apropriate ones. For ssl certificate we recomend the letencrpypt's certbot. Also the reverse proxy should NEVER forward the Host http header. For more info you can consult the nginx configuration delivered by us.

Migrations from fpm to apache

You can easily migrate from fpm ones into apache ones, but theese concers should be followed:

I made my own image how can I play with?

Is reccomended to link the appropriate yml file and replace the image at moodle section with your own. For example let suppose we a foo/moodle image based on ellakcy/moodle:mysql_maria_apache then we will run the following commands:

ln -s docker-compose_mysql_apache.yml docker-compose.yml

Then we will edit the docker-compose.yml:

nano docker-compose.yml

And we will put the following content:

version: '2'


    image: mysql
      - './data/db:/var/lib/mysql'

    image: foo/moodle
      - './data/moodle:/var/moodledata'
      - '8082:80'
      - moodle_db
      MOODLE_DB_TYPE: "mariadb"
      MOODLE_DB_HOST: "moodle_db"