This is a time-based token authenticator for SilverStripe. It allows users with apps such as Google Authenticator or Authy to generate a code to be used for logging into a SilverStripe installation. Backup codes are also available to the user, in case their second factor is lost, stolen, or otherwise unavailable.
This extends and builds from Firesphere's MFABootstrap module, and has been tested with a vanilla installation of CWP 2.0 and SilverStripe 4.1.1
It is difficult to support an exhaustive list of authenticator apps, but for the purposes of an initial release the following authenticators are supported.
If you know of any others that can be added to this list, raise a pull request along with any code and unit tests you've added to ensure support.
composer require elliot-sawyer/totp-authenticator
Add the following to config.yml
- ElliotSawyer\TOTPAuthenticator\MemberExtension
totpauthenticator: %$ElliotSawyer\TOTPAuthenticator\TOTPAuthenticator
Google Authenticator and Authy only support tokens generated with SHA-1. Other authenticators MAY implement SHA-256 or SHA-512 as outlined in RFC6238. You may use the Config API to adjust this algorithm if you need to support a specific TOTP authenticator
algorithm: 'sha512'
Please raise issues and feature requests at