elliots / vuesearchpal

Search 'palette' component for React, loosely based on MacOS Spotlight Search. Styled to look great out-of-box - pass through your own theme & elements. Autocomplete, search previews & more. Set to find exact and/or fuzzy matches.
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Search Search

searchpal (search palette)

Search Pallete Component for React :mag: Inspired by Spotlight Search
Simple, good lookin' & customizable. Autocomplete, search previews & more. Set search function to find exact and/or fuzzy matches.

Installation Usage Components Demo

**Version 2.1 Released** :boom:

Now supports custom async search functions. [See the full release note](https://github.com/elijahharry/searchpal/releases/tag/diy-search).

Screenshots or see a live demo :point_left:

Light :sunny: and Dark :waxing_crescent_moon:
Pass in your own light & dark shades :art:

Getting Started


Get started by installing the npm package:

npm i searchpal

Then you can import the components & types within your React application:

import { Search, Option, Detail } from "searchpal";

Peer Dependencies

Alongside react and react-dom, the only other peer dependency is styled-components. If you currently have any of those packages installed, the minimum versions compatible with searchpal are:

Package Min Version
react 16.8
react-dom 16.8
styled-components 4.0

Basic Usage

Simply import the Search & Option components. Add a few required props to the Search: open and onClose. Map out your options as children, each option only requiring a label. Provide each option with some keywords utilizing a built-in keyword filterer & interpreter:

import { Search, Option, Detail } from "searchpal";

const UsersSearch = ({ users, session }) => {
  const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);

  return (
      <button onClick={() => setOpen(true)}>Search for a user</button>
        label="Search for a user..."
        onClose={() => setOpen(false)}
        link={({ href, children }) => <a href={href}>{children}</a>}
        {users.map((user) => (
            img={{ src: user.avatar, alt: `${user.name} profile picture` }}
            keywords={(getKeywords) =>
                user.social && user.social.handle,
                user.organizations.map((org) => [
                  org.locations.map((location) => [
            <Detail label="Joined" value={user.joined} />
            {user.organizations.length && (
                value={<Organizations items={user.organizations} />}

Custom Search

  {async (query) => {
    const options = await /* Your custom searcher here! */
    return options.map((option) => <Option {..option} />)

Want or need to handle your own searches elsewhere? searchpal now supports your own custom, async search functions. Learn more.


Comes with three seperate components which can be used in combination to build out your search palette.

Search Option Detail


Import the Search component:

import { Search } from "searchpal";

Search Props

The Search component has tons of props, all offering unique customizations. The only required props are open and onClose. Read all about the props below (sorted by category).

Prop Accepts Default Description
open* boolean Open/close state of the search modal. Pass through true to open, false to close.
onClose* () => void Function that flips the open prop to false when a user closes the search modal.
label string "Search for anything..." Label which displays as the search input's placeholder. Also utilized as an input label (only visible to screen readers).
algo 'fuzz', 'exact' or 'combo'
What are these?
'combo' Select the search algorithm used to narrow results. Learn more about these algorithms.
dark true, false or 'user'
See example
'user' Enforce a specific light / dark mode, or base it on user preference.
theme Theme Object
Or an inline function you can use to access an initilized Theme Object.
View default theme Configure/customize all colors utilized throughout the search palette. Accepts a single, initialized Theme Object or an inline function you can use to access/return one.
labels Labels View default labels All other labels utilized throughout the component can be configured here. With the expecting of the noResults property, all of these are only visible to screen readers.
startExpanded boolean false Do you want options to be shown when the search query is empty?
animate grow, fade or slide slide Select the animation utilized when the Search appears/disappears.
previewBreakpoint number 570 (570px) Option previews would take up too much space on mobile devices, so by default they are hidden below 570px. If you'd like to change the breakpoint for this, you can via this prop.
link Link Custom component used to add anchors/routing to options and options.
Note: This will only be utilized if the option is provided an href.

Custom Search Function

Passing through your own custom searcher can be done so easily, and is 100% recommended over the included search algorithms when your users need to search through tons of data.

Simply add an asyncronhous function which returns a ReactNode as the child of the Search component. Map through the search results and include them as Option components within the ReactNode (or don't, if there are no results). Use your function's first arguement to access the user's query.

Your function will only run when the query changes. It will saved in a ref that will exclusively have its most recently-saved version called upon when necessary. You can change the function and searchpal will update the ref, but these changes won't be reflected until the user updates their query.

Inline Custom Search Function

import { Search, Option, Detail } from "searchpal";
import Avatar from "../Avatar";

const CustomSearch = ({ open, onClose }) => {
  return (
    <Search open={open} onClose={onClose}>
      {async (query) => {
        try {
          const res = await fetch(`YOUR_API/search?`, { method: "GET" });
          // Example with a singular option type...
          const { results } = res.json();
          return results.map(({ label, avatar, ...rest }, i) => (
              media={<Avatar src={avatar} key={i.toString()} />}
          // Example with multiple option types...
          const { users, companies } = res.json();
          return (
              {users.map((user) => (
                <Option label={user.name} sublabel={user.email} key={user.id}>
                  <Detail label="Joined" value={user.joined} />
              {companies.map((company) => (
                  img={{ src: company.logo }}
                  {company.locations.map((location, i) => (
                      label={`Location #${i + 1}`}
                      value={`${location.city}, ${location.state}`}
        } catch (e) {
          // Returning nothing will show no reuslts for that query (as would returning null, false, void or JSX without a single <Option />)

External Custom Search Function

import { Search, Option } from "searchpal";

const searchUsers = async (query: string) => {
  const res = await fetch("...");
  const { options } = await res.json();
  return options.map((props) => <Option {...props} />);

const CustomSearch = ({ open, onClose }) => {
  return (
    <Search open={open} onClose={onClose}>

Search Algorithms

Search comes with two seperate search algorithms (and one combination of the two). You can decide whichever one best suits your use case. See how the seperate algorithms work:

Algorithm                Demo                Description
exact Exclusively searches for exact occurances of shared words between the query/keywords and ranks based on number of occurances.
fuzz 'Fuzzy' search chunks will split each keyword into seperate, smaller chunks and individually compare them to the query, then compares scores between the options (only showing options within a score within close enough range of the option with the highest score). Essentially, users don't need to type everything perfectly to see relevant results.
combo Combo initially performs an exact search, and in the event there are no matches, runs a fuzz search. Solid mix of both algos, which is why this is the default search algorithm.


Customize the theme (colors, borders, shadows, etc) of the search palette via the Theme Object.

Theme Examples

Inline Function Must Return a Theme Object!

An inline function in the theme prop will provided you with access to an initialized Theme Object.

  theme={(theme) => {
    theme.accent("lightblue", "darkblue");
    theme.border(null, 2);
    theme.light.backdrop("rgb(240,240,240)", 0.8);
    theme.dark.backdrop("navy", "60%");
    return theme;
Imported Theme Object

Import the Theme Object to initialize/configure it whereever you'd like. You can pass your theme through the contructor, or configure it via the built-in methods.

import { Search, Theme } from "searchpal"

const theme = new Theme({ shadow: '0 5px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5)', light: { accent: 'orange' }, dark: {accent: 'red'} })

theme.text('rgb(80, 80, 80)', 'rgb(155, 155, 155)')

theme.light.option.selected('orange', '#fff')
theme.dark.option.selected('red', '#fff')

<Search theme={theme} />

Theme Object

The Theme object stores your settings internally and provides you with methods which you can utilize to adjust the light & versions of your theme (or both at once).

Theme Methods

All of the following methods can be called specifically on the light & dark versions of your theme, or globally to adjust both versions simultaneously.

Call Globally   Writes to both light & dark versions!
Call on Light / Dark Version

The methods can be viewed below, alongside an example of their usage & a brief description of their purpose:

Method Usage & Purpose
accent ```tsx theme.accent(Color, TextColor); ``` `Color` is the primary accent color utilized throughout the search modal. `TextColor` is for adjusting the color of text overlaid ontop of the accent (i.e. in [Buttons](#button)). **Using `theme.accent()`**: ```tsx // Global theme.accent("lightblue", "darkblue"); // Light & Dark theme.light.accent("#00165a", "#fff"); theme.dark.accent("red", "white"); ```
bg ```tsx theme.bg(BackgroundColor); ``` `BackgroundColor` is the background color of the entire search palette. **Using `theme.bg()`**: ```tsx // Global theme.bg("#d3d3d3"); // Light & Dark theme.light.bg("white"); theme.dark.bg("#000080"); ```
text ```tsx theme.text(PrimaryColor, SecondaryColor); ``` `PrimaryColor` is the primary text color, `SecondaryColor` is the 'secondary' (faded/light) text color. **Using `theme.text()`**: ```tsx // Global theme.text("rgb(60,60,60)", "rgb(200,200,200)"); // Light & Dark theme.light.text("black", "grey"); theme.dark.text("white", "#d3d3d3"); ```
border ```tsx theme.border(BorderColor, BorderWidth); ``` Border styles used on every bordered element you see within the search palette. `BorderColor` being the color & `BorderWidth` being the width. **Using `theme.border()`**: ```tsx // Global theme.border("#000", 2); // 2px // Light & Dark theme.light.border("grey", ".2rem"); theme.dark.border("transparent", 0); ```
shadow ```tsx theme.shadow(BoxShadow); ``` Border styles used on every bordered element you see within the search palette. `BorderColor` being the color & `BorderWidth` being the width. **Using `theme.shadow()`**: ```tsx // Global theme.shadow("0px 10px 10px rgb(150,150,150,.4)"); // Light & Dark theme.light.shadow("0px 10px 10px 5px rgb(200,200,200,.5)"); theme.dark.shadow("0px 10px 10px 5px rgb(0,0,0,.6)"); ```
backdrop ```tsx theme.backdrop(BackgroundColor, Opacity); ``` Adjusts the color/opacity of the backdrop _behind_ the modal, used to give it some contrast when it's floating above the rest of your app. `BackgroundColor` is the backdrop's color, and `Opacity` is it's opacity level (i.e. `.65`) when it is fully-opened. **Using `theme.backdrop()`**: ```tsx // Global theme.backdrop("black", "30%"); // Light & Dark theme.light.backdrop("#d3d3d3", ".6"); theme.dark.backdrop("#00165a", "55%"); ```
option The `theme.option` method can be used to edit the background/text colors of an [Option](#option) in the results list. You can use `theme.option` to edit both the **selected/highlighted** & **deselected** versions of the [Option](#option) element.
  • **Default Options:** ```tsx theme.option(BackgroundColor, TextColor); ``` **Using `theme.option()`**: ```tsx // Global theme.option("#d3d3d3", "darkblue"); // Light & Dark theme.light.option("white", "#000"); theme.dark.option("transparent", "#fff"); ```
  • **Selected / Highlighted Options:** ```tsx theme.option.selected(BackgroundColor, TextColor); ``` **Using `theme.option.selected()`**: ```tsx // Global theme.option.selected("blue", "lightblue"); // Light & Dark theme.light.option.selected("#000", "#fff"); theme.dark.option.selected("#fff", "#000"); ```
backdrop ```tsx theme.backdrop(BackgroundColor, Opacity); ``` Adjusts the color/opacity of the backdrop _behind_ the modal, used to give it some contrast when it's floating above the rest of your app. `BackgroundColor` is the backdrop's color, and `Opacity` is it's opacity level (i.e. `.65`) when it is fully-opened. **Using `theme.backdrop()`**: ```tsx // Global theme.backdrop("black", "30%"); // Light & Dark theme.light.backdrop("#d3d3d3", ".6"); theme.dark.backdrop("#00165a", "55%"); ```
set If you want to just pass through an non-nested object filled with your theme settings, you can do so with the `theme.set` method. This method accepts a [ThemeProperties](#) object. **Using `theme.set()`**: ```tsx // Global theme.set({ text: "#d3d3d3", backdrop: "#000" }); // Light & Dark theme.light.set({ accent: "red", borderColor: "rgb(240,240,240)" }); theme.dark.set({ accent: "lightblue", accentText: "darkblue" }); ```

Default Theme

By default, the palette is chosen from the dark/light versions below depending on the user's dark mode preferences. See how to force a singular palette/mode.

  accent: "#3b82f6",
  accentText: "#fff",
  borderWidth: "1px",
  light: {
    background: "#fff",
    text: "#27272a",
    textSecondary: "#929294",
    borderColor: "#f2f3f6",
    shadow: "0 25px 50px -12px rgba(156,163,175,.2)",
    backdrop: "#e5e7eb",
    backdropOpacity: ".65",
    optionBackground: "transparent",
    optionText: "#27272a",
    optionSelectedBackground: "#f4f4f5",
    optionSelectedText: "#27272a",
  dark: {
    background: "#1f2937",
    text: "#fff",
    textSecondary: "#8e939a",
    borderColor: "#393939",
    shadow: "0 25px 50px -12px rgba(31,41,55,.8)",
    backdrop: "#111827",
    backdropOpacity: ".65",
    optionBackground: "transparent",
    optionText: "#fff",
    optionSelectedBackground: "#4b5563",
    optionSelectedText: "#fff",
No Dynamic Light & Dark / Static Theme

If you'd like to force light / dark mode, you can either pass a boolean (true or false) through the Search's dark prop, or pass through a Theme Object with all colors globally overwritten (otherwise, the missing properties will be pulled from the default theme above corresponding with the user's light/dark mode).

Force dark mode:

<Search dark />

Force light mode:

<Search dark={false} />


Customize aria-labels only visible to screen readers and other text content within the Search.

Label Object

Key Accepts Description
title string Utilized by the main Search modal as an aria-labeledby, otherwise not visible.
subtitle string Utilized by the main Search modal as an aria-describedby, otherwise not visible.
results string Used to describe the search results ul element, otherwise not visible.
noResults { title: string, subtitle: string } Message displayed to users when no search results can be found. Also utilized on the search input to describe it's aria-invalid status to screen readers.

Default Labels

  title: 'Search prompt',
  subtitle: 'Use this dialog to perform a quick search.'
  results: 'Search results',
  noResults: {
    title: 'No results found for query.',
    subtitle: 'Try searching for something else.'

Custom Labels Example

    results: "Matching users",
    noResults: { title: "No users found." },


Use if you'd like to wrap options/buttons with anchors (<a>) in the event that the Option was provided with an href. As an alternative, you could add an onClick to any Option and include your routing within it.

Link Example

The href will always be a string (if there is no url, your Link component won't even be called). Make sure to render children!

import Search, { LinkComponent } from "searchpal";
import Link from "next/link";

const Anchor: LinkComponent = ({ href, children }) => {
  return (
    <Link href={href} passHref>

const SearchLinked = () => {
  return <Search {...props} link={Anchor} />;

Link Types

All available for use in your code:

type LinkProps = {
  href: string;
  children: ReactNode;

type LinkComponent = FunctionComponent<LinkProps>;


An Option is just a searchable object with extra props for it's display/action customizations. Import the Option component:

import { Option } from "searchpal";

Option Props

An Option's props have some caveats, along with a few features to make things easier for you. Each Option only requires a single prop: label.

Key Accepts Description
label* string Required string utilized as the primary label for an Option in search results and previews. Does not need to be unique.
sublabel Renderable Utilized within the preview panel, typically beneath the label.
keywords string[] or Interpreter Function
See examples
Strings used alongside the label when searching options for search results. Accepts an array of strings, or a function which will allow you to access an automatic keyword filterer/interpreter.
For more advanced cases in which you'd like to determine keywords via conditional logic, nested-arrays/mappings, inline functions, etc - the auto-interpreter should save you some time (and also make your code cleaner).
img { src: string; alt?: string } Pass through an image associated with the option, as an object with a src and optional alt. By default, it's displayed in search results and preview panels.
Note: Without an alt, images become invisible to screen readers by default.
onClick (e: MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => void Pass through a function which will run when the Option receives one of the following events:
  • Option is clicked in the results menu
  • Button inside Option's preview panel is clicked
  • User presses Enter while the Option is highlighted in search results
href string Add a direct link to an option in search results and the button in its preview panel. The href prop is only utilized if you've provided the parent Search with a custom Link.
If you've provided an href and a Link, and the user has the Option highlighted in search results, they will also be redirected on Enter.
cta Renderable Label for button used in the option's preview panel. Default is 'Select'.
previewless boolean Turn off the preview panel for an Option.
media Renderable or MediaComponent Fills in the image/avatar frames on search results and in Option preview panels.
arrow Renderable or ArrowComponent Replaces the little arrow icon on each option in search results.
preview Renderable or PreviewComponent Fully replaces the top section of the preview panel.


Each Option will automatically receive the label prop as a keyword, so no need to re-add it. If you'd like to include other keywords, you can utilize keywords in two seperate ways:

Array of Strings

Pass through a simple array of your keywords. Must be strings. Good enough for basic use cases.

    ...(user?.social ? [user.social.handle] : []),
      ? user.organizations.map((organization) => organization.name)
      : []),

Keyword Interpreter

The keywords prop can be used to access a filterer/interpreter. All you need to do is pass an inline-function through the keywords props, the interpreter will be available as its only param. Have the inline function return the interpreter with as many arguements as you'd like.

The interpreter accepts anything as a value and will turn it into an array of strings. Nested arrays & functions can all be utilized to generate your keywords array.

  keywords={(interpret) =>
      // Falsey values auto-filtered
      user.social && user.social.handle,
      // Nested arrays are traversed & filtered
      user.organizations.length &&
        user.organizations.map((organization) => [
          organization.locations.length &&
            organization.locations.map((location) => [
      // Functions executed & returns filtered
      () => {
        switch (user.permissions) {
          case "super":
            return "admin";
          case "raised":
            return "moderator";
            return "customer";
      // ... continue adding as many arguments/keywords as you want!

Note: Only strings will end up in the final array of keywords. Any other received/interpreted values will not end up in the final array of keywords.


Pass through a custom component or element utilized to display an option's img (or anything you'd like).

Custom Media Default Media

Media Examples

The media prop accepts a simple Renderable object or a custom component constructor.

Renderable Object
```tsx import { Option } from "searchpal"; users.map((user) => (
Custom Media Component
```tsx import { Option, MediaComponent } from "searchpal"; const Media: MediaComponent = ({ img, label }) => { return (
{img ? ( {img.alt} ) : ( {label.charAt(0).toUpperCase()} )}
); }; users.map((user) =>

Media Types

The following types are available to you via import from searchpal:

type MediaProps = {
  img?: { src: string; alt?: string }; // Copied from the Option's 'img' prop
  label: string; // Copied from the Option's 'label' prop
  active: boolean; // Whether or not option is selected/highlighted in search results
  hovered: boolean; // Hover state of parent option
  focused: boolean; // Focus state of parent option

type MediaComponent = FunctionComponent<MediaProps>;

Note: The active, hovered and focused props will only ever return true if the MediaComponent is utilized within search results.


Replace the arrow which appears on each option in search results.

Custom Arrow Default Arrow

Arrow Examples

The arrow prop accepts a simple Renderable object or a custom component constructor.

Renderable Object
```tsx import { Option } from "searchpal"; users.map((user) => (
Custom Arrow Component
```tsx import { Option, ArrowProps } from "searchpal"; const Arrow = ({ checked, focused }: ArrowProps & { checked: boolean }) => { return (
{checked && }
); }; users.map((user) => (

Arrow Types

All available to you via import from searchpal:

type ArrowProps = {
  active: boolean; // Whether or not option is selected/highlighted in search results
  hovered: boolean; // Hover state of parent option
  focused: boolean; // Focus state of parent option

type ArrowComponent = FunctionComponent<ArrowProps>;


Customize the option preview which appears on the right-hand side of the Search when an option is selected (on desktop).

Custom Preview Default Preview

Preview Examples

The preview prop accepts a simple Renderable object or a custom component constructor.

Renderable Object
```tsx import { Option } from "searchpal"; users.map((user) => (
Custom Preview Component
```tsx import { Option, PreviewComponent } from "searchpal"; const Preview: PreviewComponent = ({ img, media, label, sublabel }) => { return (
{(img || media) && (
{media || (img && )}


); }; users.map((user) =>

Preview Types

The PreviewComponent's media prop is reduced from the object/component you passed through the Option's media prop (i.e. if you passed through a custom MediaComponent, you will receive its return as a valid ReactElement). The following types are all available to you via import from searchpal:

type PreviewProps = {
  label: string; // Copied from the Option's 'label' prop
  sublabel?: Renderable; // Copied from Option's 'sublabel' prop
  img?: { src: string; alt?: string }; // Copied from the Option's 'img' prop
  media?: ReactElement; // Reduced from Option's 'media' prop

type PreviewComponent = FunctionComponent<PreviewProps>;


Customize the button displayed in an option's preview panel.

Custom Button Default Button (with cta)

If the Option has an href and you passed through a custom Link component, then your custom button will automatically be wrapped by your Link (essentially, in those circumtances, it is unnecessary to include an href on your custom button).

Button Examples

The button prop accepts a simple Renderable object or a custom component constructor.

Renderable Object
```tsx import { Option } from "searchpal"; users.map((user) => (
Custom Button Component
```tsx import { Option, ButtonComponent } from "searchpal"; const Button: ButtonComponent = ({ cta, onClick }) => { return ( ); }; users.map((user) => (

Button Types

export type ButtonProps = {
  label: string; // Option's label
  onClick?: ClickEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement>; // Taken from Option's 'onClick' prop
  cta: Renderable; // Taken from Option's 'cta' prop, default is "Select"
export type ButtonComponent = FunctionComponent<ButtonProps>;


The Detail component can be used to add a row of info inside an Option's preview panel.

Import the Detail component:

import { Detail } from "searchpal";

Detail Usage

Simply import the Detail component an add it as a child to it's related Option.

import { Option, Detail } from "searchpal";

users.map((user) => (
  <Option label={user.name} key={user.id}>
    <Detail label="Email" value={user.email} />
    {user.organizations && (
        value={<Orgs orgs={user.organizations} />}
    {user.locations &&
      user.locations.map((location, i) => (
        <Detail label={`Location #${i + 1}`} value={location.city} />

The Option's children are intelligently traversed, so if your use-case requires it you can add Details as subchildren. They will still be included:

users.map((user) => (
  <Option label={user.name} key={user.id}>
    {user.profiles && (
        {user.profiles.twitter && (
          <Detail label="Twitter" value={user.profile.twitter} />
        {user.profiles.facebook && (
          <Detail label="Facebook" value={user.profile.facebook} />
        {user.profiles.github && (
          <Detail label="Github" value={user.profile.github} />

Detail Props

Both label and value are required props.

Prop Accepts Description
label* string The label/descriptor of the detail (left column).
value* Renderable The value of the detail (right column).

If you pass value a Renderable object which exclusively contains falsey objects, the Detail might not display (alongside an error). As an example:

  value={[user?.name && user.name.first, user.verified && <VerifiedIcon />]}

In the event that both of those conditions return false, the Detail cannot be displayed. Internally searchpal runs a check on every Renderable prop and filters out falsey values. If the prop exclusively contains falsey values, it will default to undefined (an error, considering value is required).

What is Renderable?

Needed to come up with an abbreviation as the same type is utilized repeatedly throughout this lib. In general, Renderable signifies all truthy types within ReactNode, or an array of them. Pretty much any object that can be successfully rendered is a Renderable. Acceptable types are:

Note: If the Renderable prop is required (i.e. the Detail value) and you pass through false or an array of false you will notice errors. We automatically filter falsey values from Renderable props, and in the event that we are leftover with no truthy objects, the required prop will then default to undefined.

Valid Renderable Examples :white_check_mark:
users.map((user) => (
    // String
    // ReactElement or Fragment
        {user.emailVerified && <VerifiedIcon />}
    // Array of Renderables
    sublabel={[user.email, user.emailVerified && <VerifiedIcon />]} // [ReactElement, ReactElement || false] in this sample


Get started by cloning this repository:

git clone https://github.com/elijahharry/searchpal.git

Run npm install from within the primary directory:

cd searchpal
npm i

Within the primary directory, you can launch the sandbox/demo React app via:

npm run dev

Or create a fresh build of the lib via:

npm run build

Inside of the demo directory (sandbox), you can import directly from lib for testing purposes:
Import directly from lib (non-build, hot-reload):

import { Search } from "@searchpal/dev";

Import latest build of lib:

import { Search } from "@searchpal/build";