elmerfds / rebuild-dndc

Re-create containers that use another container's network stack (i.e. routing container traffic through a VPN container)
GNU General Public License v3.0
22 stars 9 forks source link


Re-create containers that use another container's network stack (e.g. routing container traffic through a VPN container).


  1. Make sure the master container (e.g. vpn container) is up & running as expected.
  2. Create a docker network named container:master_container_name , to do that, do the following: open terminal > docker network create container:master_container_name note: master container name should be all lower case, rename your container if it isn't.
  3. Now edit a container you want to add to the master container network stack
  4. You should see the created network (step 2) under 'network type', select that & click 'apply'.



Alternate steps

  1. Edit a container you want to add to the master container network stack,
  2. Add --net=container:master_container_name in extra parameters and
  3. click 'apply'



Tag Description Build Status
unraid-m Unraid stable Docker Build Master
unraid-d Unraid development, pre-release Docker Build Dev
unraid-e Unraid experimental, unstable Docker Build Exp

Community Applications (unRAID) - recommended

  1. Open the 'Apps' tab and
  2. Search for 'rebuild-dndc'
  3. Click on the Install button


Docker Run

docker run -d --name='Rebuild-DNDC' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Europe/London" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'mastercontname'='vpn' -e 'mastercontconcheck'='yes' -e 'ping_ip'='' -e 'ping_ip_alt'='' -e 'ping_count'='4' -e 'sleep_secs'='10' -e 'run_startup'='yes' -e 'discord_notifications'='yes' -e 'discord_url'='https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' -e 'cron'='*/5 * * * *' -v '/var/run/docker.sock':'/var/run/docker.sock':'rw' -v '/boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user':'/config/docker-templates':'ro' -v '/mnt/appdata/rebuild-dndc/config/rebuild-dndc':'/config/rebuild-dndc':'rw' 'eafxx/rebuild-dndc:unraid-m' 

- Parameters

Container images are configured using parameters passed at runtime (such as those above).

Parameter Function
-e mastercontname=vpn Master container name, replace this with your master container name
-e mastercontconcheck=yes Check for master container connectivity & reboot container if no connectivity [yes/no]
-e ping_count=4 Number of times you want to ping the ping_ip before the script restarts the master container due to no connectivity, lower number might be too aggressive - default 4
-e ping_ip= Default ping IP to check master container connectivity
-e ping_ip_alt= Secondary ping IP to check master container connectivity (optional)
-e sleep_secs=10 Time to wait until the master container has completely booted up - default 10s
-e cron=*/5 * * * * Cron schedule set to run every 5mins - default 5mins
-e run_startup=yes Do a first run immediately without waiting [yes/no]
-e discord_notifications=yes Enable Discord notifications [yes/no]
-e gotify_notifications=yes Enable Gotify notifications [yes/no]
-e discord_url Full Discord webhook URL, only required if notifications are enabled
-e gotify_url Full Gotify server message URL + token, only required if notifications are enabled
-v /config/docker-templates Path to user docker templates on Unraid (read-only)
-v /var/run/docker.sock Docker-daemon socket location
-v /config/rebuild-dndc Contains container monitor list.
-e TZ=Europe/London Specify a timezone to use e.g. Europe/London

- Additional Optional Parameters

Parameter Function
-e cont_list=ContainerA ContainerB Specify a list of containers that you can manually rebuild on demand using the rebuildm -b & rebuildm -f commands (see below). Container names are case sensitive & leave space between each container name.
-e save_no_mcontids=20 Default set to 20, maintains a list of last 20 master containerIDs when the container is destroyed or re-created. Makes sure containers using the master container network aren't orphaned and marked for re-creation.

- Port Forwarding Optional Parameters

Supported Apps


Parameter Function
-e rutorrent_cont_name=ruTorrent ruTorrent container name (case sensitive)
-e rutorrent_pf=yes Enable ruTorrent Port Forwarding
-v /app/pf/rutorrent/ Path to ruTorrent rtorrent.rc or .rtorrent.rc file without specifying file name

- Create dependent containers manually

If for some reason master container dependent containers have failed to be created, you can start several containers using a single command, which is far more convenient than doing it through the unRAID GUI.

Interactive Shell

docker exec -it Rebuild-DNDC bash -c 'rebuildm -b container01 container02 container03'

docker exec -it Rebuild-DNDC bash -c 'rebuildm -f container01 container02 container03'

docker exec -it Rebuild-DNDC bash -c 'rebuildm -b $cont_list'

docker exec -it Rebuild-DNDC bash -c 'rebuildm -f $cont_list'


SSH onto Rebuild-DNDC container

rebuildm -b container01 container02 container03

rebuildm -f container01 container02 container03

rebuildm -b $cont_list

rebuildm -f $cont_list

Recommended VPN container

You can use any VPN image you want but the following is recommended and ruTorrent port forwarding with RDNDC is supported with the following image (PIA only!)

qmcgaw/gluetun [Supports PIA, Mullvad, Windscribe and others ]
