elmoiv / azapi

Get Lyrics from AZLyrics.com like a Boss ~(0_0)~
GNU General Public License v3.0
122 stars 12 forks source link
api artists azlyrics azlyricsapi lyrics lyrics-api lyrics-fetcher lyrics-search music song songs


Build Status Python version

A fast and secure API for AZLyrics.com to get lyrics easily :)



azapi requires Python 3.

Use pip to install the package from PyPI:

pip install azapi

Or, install the latest version of the package from GitHub:

pip install git+https://github.com/elmoiv/azapi.git


import azapi

API = azapi.AZlyrics('google', accuracy=0.5)

API.artist = 'Tylor Swft'
API.title = 'Bad Blods'

API.getLyrics(save=True, ext='lrc')


# Correct Artist and Title are updated from webpage
print(API.title, API.artist)


Here are a few sample tests:


v3.0.8 21-02-2022

v3.0.7 03-01-2022

v3.0.6 12-02-2021

v3.0.5 26-09-2020

v3.0.4 22-08-2020

v3.0.3 13-08-2020

v3.0.2 25-07-2020

v3.0.1 07-07-2020

v3.0.0 15-06-2020

v2.1.0 18-10-2019

v2.0.1 11-09-2019

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time


Please contribute! If you want to fix a bug, suggest improvements, or add new features to the project, just open an issue or send me a pull request.

*It is adviced not to send too many requests to avoid IP ban by search engines.

**Proxy is set by the user, defult is empty.