This is a core-enhancement QGIS plugin that allow the implementation of complex dynamic filters in QGIS attribute forms.
This widget can be used to implement drill-down forms, where the values available in one field depend on the values of other fields.
This plugin has been partially funded (50%) by ARPA Piemonte.
It is essentially a clone of the core "Value Relation" widget with some important differences:
When the widget is created:
A new expression function is available (in the "Custom" section)::
This function returns the current value of a field in the editor form.
Notes: ......
Form Value Relation
After plugin installation, you should see a new widget type available, choose the Form Value Relation widget:
.. figure:: doc/images/layer_config_fields.png :scale: 80 % :alt: Choose the Form Value Relation widget
Configure the layers and fields and the expression:
.. figure:: doc/images/layer_config_widget.png :scale: 80 % :alt: Configure the layers and fields and the expression
Configure the expression using the CurrentFormValue function:
.. figure:: doc/images/layer_config_expression.png :scale: 80 % :alt: Configure the expression using the CurrentFormValue function
Enjoy the drill-down!
.. figure:: doc/images/editor.png :scale: 80 % :alt: Enjoy the drill-down!