elric97 / CalBot

aPAS - a personal agile scheduler used to manage scheduled as well as unscheduled events
MIT License
1 stars 8 forks source link

example workflow DOI Made with License: MIT Platform GitHub issues open GitHub issues closed



Introduction 😁

Do you feel overwhelmed sometimes when you have alot of things to do?

"Achieving a small incremental goal is perceived as easier -- and more satisfying -- than maintaining the status quo" --Source

The agile sprint model follows something on similar lines to this above statement. So following this, we thought of bringing agile sprint model to personal life. aPAS takes the unscheduled events at beginning of each week as input and divide the task on user's plate on daily basis, by which he/she can easily able to finish tasks just before deadlines and it won't be overwhelming.

This model gives the true picture of how much of an assignment load someone has and how to further manage it. We bring to you exactly that to manage your everyday tasks with our discord bot. Do you ever want to find time for Leetcode and workouts amidst a very busy week full of assignments but just can’t? Our discord bot will show you most optimised things to do each day to complete them and still find some time for unplanned activities.

Here's a short introduction video:


Quick read

Project Vision


Design Docs explained

Developer's Guide



java spring postgresql docker maven Discord4J

Java\ Spring Boot\ PostgreSQL\ Docker\ Maven\ Discord4J


Getting started

Future Scope 🐾

There are multiple dimensions to this project catering to the interests of Various developers. Please check CONTRIBUTING.md and CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md for contributing rules

Finish the pending work

If you are a front-end developer 💻

Currently aPAS has been configured to work with Discord as the GUI but given the structure of the project it can be easily extended for other platforms such as

If you are a back-end developer 🛠️

Why just stop at Google calendar? Why not make it more user-friendly for all users with various calendars such as:

If you are an ML Enthusiast 🧑‍🔬

Team Members