elsiklab / jbrowse_elasticsearch

A JBrowse plugin for generating an elasticsearch database and an express.js adaptor for the Names API
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A JBrowse add-on for indexing names with elasticsearch. Allows searching full text descriptions of genes!



Run the setup script

bash setup.sh

Then load your tracks

flatfile-to-json.pl --nameAttributes note,id,description,name --gff docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.gff3 --trackLabel test --trackType CanvasFeatures

And then load the tracks into elasticsearch


Then add the plugin to JBrowse by adding something like this to trackList.json or jbrowse_conf.json

"plugins": ["ElasticSearch"]

Finally start the helper app (starts app.js as middleware for elasticsearch queries)

npm start

Loading full text descriptions

If you have a feature such as

chr23  RefSeq  gene    2475803 2809862 .   -   .   ID=gene28777;Name=514682;Dbxref=NCBI_Gene:514682,BGD:BT30338;symbol_ncbi=PRIM2;description=primase%2C DNA%2C polypeptide 2 (58kDa);gene_synonym=PRIM2A;feature_type=Protein Coding

Then running

flatfile-to-json.pl --trackLabel RefSeq --gff file.gff --nameAttributes symbol_ncbi,gene_synonym,description,dbxref

This would make symbol_ncbi the "primary key" and associate the gene_synonym, description, and dbxref as "descriptions" of that gene (the search box doesn't distinguish the field type, they all just become descriptions)



These are automatically added to trackList.json by the bin/generate-elastic-search.pl


Multiple genomes configuration

Use --genome argument to bin/generate-elastic-search.pl which creates different indexes (the elasticsearch equivalent of a different database) for each genome that your run. Note: just use a simple name for this --genome, e.g. --genome FruitFly

It is just used for organizing the elasticsearch database, it's not a file path to a file.

Middleware configuration

Normally, you can start the express.js middleware for jbrowse_elasticsearch (a small service that queries elasticsearch for you) by running "npm install" and "npm start" in the root folder of this repo. In a production configuration, you may wish to use a reverse proxy to make this accessible from a standard http endpoint rather than opening up port 3000 to the public. Therefore put something like this basic config in your apache config file

ProxyPass /elastic http://localhost:3000
ProxyPassReverse /elastic http://localhost:3000

Read up on reverse proxies before doing so. Forward proxies are dangerous and you do not want to enable this, but a configuration like the above is safe. You can also, instead of relying on "npm start" to keep the service running, run it on Passenger Phusion

Alias /elasticsearch /mnt/webdata/jbrowse/plugins/ElasticSearch
<Location /elasticsearch>
    PassengerBaseURI /elasticsearch
    PassengerAppRoot /mnt/webdata/jbrowse/plugins/ElasticSearch

    PassengerAppType node
    PassengerStartupFile bin/www

Then point the elasticSearchUrl parameter to http://yoursite/elasticsearch

Note that the express.js middleware is pretty small, but it is recommended to use an endpoint like this rather than expose the elasticsearch REST API to the public.



Feel free to provide feedback, my first foray into elasticsearch!