$ ./eval.sh /Volumes/Data/elsys/elsys-teachers-tools /Volumes/Data/elsys/po-homework 05
$ ./eval.sh . ../po-homework 05
Tools for teachers @ Elsys, which help with assignments of students
When making changes and improvements to the project, make sure you install it through pip in some virtual environment using (from root of the project directory):
$ pip install -e .
Now you can try executing:
$ evaluator -h
Evaluator takes as required parameters - input folder and scenario file formatted in TOML. Scenarios files must follows this format:
name = "Some simple friendly name of task"
desc = "url for detailed task description"
input = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16"
output = "1 5 9 13 2 6 10 14 3 7 11 15 4 8 12 16"
name = "Some simple friendly name of task 2"
desc = "url for detailed task 2 description"
input = "Hello"
output = "olleH"
input = "Hello"
output = "Input your string: olleH"
input = "Kiril e lirik"
output = "kiril e liriK"
name = "Task 3 short name"
desc = "task 3 url"
input = "9827AJKQ6345Т"
outpu = "23456789ТJQKA"
name = "Task 4"
desc = "Long task 4 description"
input = "LXXXVII"
output = "87"
input = "CCXIX"
output = "219"
Markdown formatted result of current assignment evaluation will be created in input folder. Take a look of EXAMPLE.md.