Lecture slides for Eötvös Loránd University's Natural Language Processing and Language-based Foundation Models (IPM-23fmiNLPFMEG) course.
The latest PDF versions of the slides can be found in this Google Drive folder.
(WIP) Practice material and inference endpoint information for the course can be found in the practice_examples folder.
The course material is licensed under CC-BY-4.0, feel free to use it!
Reference in BibTeX format:
title={Natural Language Processing and Foundation Models (Lecture Slides)},
author={Simonyi, Andr\'{a}s and Gy\"{o}ngy\"{o}ssy, Natabara and Nemeskey, D\'{a}vid M\'{a}rk, and Csibi, Zsolt},
note={Accessed: <<REPLACE_WITH_DATE>>}
We are grateful to our students who provided detailed (and mostly anonymous) feedback on any previous revision of our material!