eltorio / RtkGps

Playing with rtklib on android
203 stars 99 forks source link


RTKLIB rtknavi port on android.


rtklib features:

Android features:



Precise ephemeris

If you need precise ephemeris you have 2 ways for using them:

NTRIP Caster

This is highly experimental, but I embedded NTRIP Caster 0.1.5. It works but I'm not satisfied of the implementation. Because it cannot shutdown cleanly.

So I locked the ability to stop the NTRIP Caster without closing RTKGPS+.
But if you want to test it works, on the first launch 2 files are created in RtkGps/ntripcaster/ ,you can edit them, But as is it works and can provide 3 streams:

(all three sources have rtkgps as password)

for using with the log streams you need to set them:

mountpoint: GNSSx
password: rtkgps (please change it)  

On your wifi network you can use your stream on:

(please change the login and the password) 

Building on Windows

Android is Unix so it is easier to build under an Unix system. Personnaly I use MacOSX but it can be done under Windows (tested under 8.1 x86_64).
You need a correctly installed ndk (under windows I use ndk-r9d), a correctly Installed ADT (I use x86_64-20140702).
Also you will need a working Cygwin installation with make, gcc-core gcc-c++ bash at least.
Define ANDOID_NDK and ANDROID_SDK variable to their correct paths, also add ANDROID_NDK path in PATH

copy RtkGps\jni\simonlynen_android_libs\lapack\jni\clapack\INCLUDE\*.h to:  

This is a workaround for the symlinks.
You also need to deactivate the use of lapack since it cannot be build under windows.
For that please modify RtkGps/jni/rtklib.mk and Android.mk for removing LAPACK flag and clapck module import (with performance issues).
now under a cygwin terminal move to your RtkGps directory and build with ndk-build command.
Under Eclipse be sure that you do not set to build the native library since it fails.


Contributors are welcomed for translating RTKGPS+, the translation can be easily managed on Crowdin.
You can freely create a translator account and with it you will be able request for a new translation.
Today target languages are English, French, Spanish, Polish, German and Russian
Current translation to this target languages Crowdin
If you want this in your native language or if you want to contribute to one of the current translation, you are welcome.
I already made this translations:


Download original version from Alexey Illarionov.

original version

Download alpha version (1.0apha23) from Google Play.


Google play

Binary distribution
Beta distribution