elvismdev / wordpress-firebase-chat

Live Chat powered by Firebase
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== Description ==

Powered by the AngularJS for WP plugin and Firebase, add real time communication to your site, for free. Create a new chat room (custom post type) and off you go!

Fully CSS customizable
Template powered - coming soon

== Installation ==

  1. Download zipped archive of plugin
  2. Log into your WordPress dashboard and add the new plugin via upload
  3. Activate the plugin
  4. Make sure you have the JSON REST API (WP-API) and AngularJS for WordPress plugin activated
  5. Click on Chat Settings in the menu and add your Firebase URL

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Why use AngularJS? =

AngularJS renders your posts client-side. WordPress is built on PHP, so every page a user visits is converted to HTML on the server, then served to the client. With ANgularJS you are only getting a JSON Object (text) from the server then renderring that to HTML using the client's machine. This will speed up your pages as well as allow for more concurrent visitors to your site as the strain on the server is reduced.

== Screenshots ==

Nothing here yet

== Changelog ==

= 1.0 =