elysionpowered / elysion

Game framework for rapid prototyping
MIT License
5 stars 2 forks source link

Elysion Game Framework

What is this?

Elysion is a cross-plaform (currently supporting Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) framework for creating games with ease and is therefore suited for rapid prototyping.

What does it look like?

Elysion is designed to be high-level with its API to be very simple and intuitive.
Here is a chunk of code which loads a sprite, displays the sprite and randomly
changes its color with each click.

    var mySprite: TelSprite;

    mySprite := TelSprite.Create;


    if (mySprite.Click) then
      mySprite.Color.R := Random(255);
      mySprite.Color.G := Random(255);
      mySprite.Color.B := Random(255);
      // Alternative you could also write: mySprite.Color := TelColor.Create(Random(255), Random(255), Random(255));

That of course is just a small example of what Elysion can do. It is a full-fledged game framework and aims to be so: It allows you to play sound and music via ElysionAudio (which is based upon SDL_mixer), a texture manager which takes care of all your textures without you needing to worry about it, Elysion has a storage system similar to HTML5 Localstorage, integrated support for Cascading Stylesheets (CSS), as well as game-specific classes and helpers (such as scene management or adding nodes to scenes).

Supported platforms

** Mac OS PowerPC was supported in older versions of Elysion.

Supported compilers and IDEs

Delphi is currently not supported officially, while older versions of Elysion support Delphi 7 and higher.


Oh, you want the old plain feature list? Here you go:

2D Drawing API:

3D Drawing API:


Game-specific features:

Advanced features:

Getting Started

For detailed information please visit the Elysion wiki: https://github.com/freezedev/elysion/wiki

Need some help?

If you have some questions or hit road block during development, check out the official forums: http://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com/forumdisplay.php?67-Elysion-Game-Framework

Who made this?

Elysion has been more or less regurarly in development since 2005 and has been created by Johannes Stein.

Thanks to anyone who used (or whom I forced to use ;) ) this framework. This
framework would not exist in its current form without those people:

Also thanks to these pieces of software which inspired me:

Why greek mythology?

I (Johannes Stein) have always had a thing for greek mythology. I called this Elysion as Elysion in greek mythology is the place for fallen loved heroes or those who have been granted immortality. At the time when I started the engine, 3D was the big thing everyone wanted to do and 2D was considered something outdated. While I don't believed in that and still don't, I think having Elysion as a name for a 2D engine is fitting name.


Elysion is dual-licensed under the MIT and MPL license. Choose which one you like the most or use both if you feel like it.
You are allowed to use Elysion in any project of any kind, be it open-source, commercial, closed-source or a combination of those. You don't even need to acknowledge that you used Elysion in your application, but it is greatly appreciated if you do.

Hint: Other third-party libraries included in this package (in /lib/Dependencies) may use a different license, but are compatible to the MIT and/or MPL license.