em-wilson / book-node-mongodb-backbone

Example source code accompanying O'Reilly's "Building Node Applications with MongoDB and Backbone" by Mike Wilson
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Building Node Applications with MongoDB and Backbone

![alt text][cover]

This is the example source code accompanying O'Reilly's "Building Node Applications with MongoDB and Backbone" by Mike Wilson.


This is a living repository which is periodically updated when Node.js or any of the dependent libraries change. If you're trying to match the code to the text, follow these tags to the repository version frozen at each publication:

First Edition (December 2012)
Tag: Edition1-Dec2012


In order to compile the examples found here, your system needs to have the following prerequisites:

Current version is 0.10.16 (http://www.nodejs.org)
MongoDB available from mongodb.or/ and Node driver from https://npmjs.org/package/mongodb
Available from Backbonejs.org. This book uses version 1.0.0.
jQuery is used by Backbone to support events and templating. Version used in the book is 1.9.1.
Require is used to control asset loading for the large number of script files used in the project. Version used in the book is 2.1.5.

The code in this repository is kept up to date with errata corrections. If you're looking for an exact copy of the code from the first edition of the book, you can review the tag at https://github.com/Swiftam/book-node-mongodb-backbone/tree/Edition1-Dec2012.

[cover]: https://raw.github.com/Swiftam/book-node-mongodb-backbone/master/images/cat.gif "Building Node Applications with MongoDB and Backbone"