ema / pycodicefiscale

Python library for handling Italian fiscal code, officially known as Italy's Codice Fiscale
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
14 stars 12 forks source link

Python library for Italian fiscal code

.. image:: https://secure.travis-ci.org/ema/pycodicefiscale.png?branch=master :target: http://travis-ci.org/ema/pycodicefiscale

codicefiscale is a Python library for working with Italian fiscal code numbers officially known as Italy's Codice Fiscale.

Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Emanuele Rocca

Homepage: https://github.com/ema/pycodicefiscale

codicefiscale Module Documentation

A quick example

import datetime from codicefiscale import build

build('Rocca', 'Emanuele', datetime.datetime(1983, 11, 18), 'M', 'D969') 'RCCMNL83S18D969H'

Module Contents

build(surname, name, birthday, sex, municipality) -> string

Computes the fiscal code for the given person data.

eg: build('Rocca', 'Emanuele', datetime.datetime(1983, 11, 18), 'M', 'D969') 
    -> RCCMNL83S18D969H

control_code(input_string) -> int

Computes the control code for the given input_string string. The expected
input_string is the first 15 characters of a fiscal code.

eg: control_code('RCCMNL83S18D969') -> 'H'

get_birthday(code) -> string

Birthday of the person whose fiscal code is 'code', in the format DD-MM-YY. 

Unfortunately it's not possible to guess the four digit birth year, given
that the Italian fiscal code uses only the last two digits (1983 -> 83).
Therefore, this function returns a string and not a datetime object.

eg: birthday('RCCMNL83S18D969H') -> 18-11-83

get_sex(code) -> string

The sex of the person whose fiscal code is 'code'.

eg: sex('RCCMNL83S18D969H') -> 'M'
    sex('CNTCHR83T41D969D') -> 'F'

isvalid(code) -> bool

This function checks if the given fiscal code is syntactically valid.

eg: isvalid('RCCMNL83S18D969H') -> True
    isvalid('RCCMNL83S18D969') -> False