emacs-evil / evil-magit

Black magic or evil keys for magit
GNU General Public License v3.0
272 stars 16 forks source link


NOTE [2021-02-01]: This package was removed from [[https://melpa.org][MELPA]].

NOTE [2020-11-24]: This repository is no longer maintained. This package is now a part of [[https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection][evil-collection]].

This library configures Magit and Evil to play well with each other. For some background see [[https://github.com/justbur/evil-magit/issues/1][Issue #1]].

Note: I intend to track the latest commits to the master branch of the [[https://github.com/magit/magit][magit repo]], meaning the keybindings here are potentially ahead of the last stable release of magit. Once the code in evil-magit stabilizes, I may switch to primarily tracking the stable release of magit and secondarily track the latest commits to master. Any help is welcomed.

Everything is contained in evil-magit.el, so you may download and load that file directly.

Evil and Magit are both required. After requiring those packages, the following will setup the new key bindings for you.

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

;; optional: this is the evil state that evil-magit will use ;; (setq evil-magit-state 'normal) ;; optional: disable additional bindings for yanking text ;; (setq evil-magit-use-y-for-yank nil) (require 'evil-magit)

+END_SRC emacs-lisp

** Note on evil usage

This package assumes that you either use the global variant of evil mode (e.g., through =(evil-mode 1)=), or at least have =evil-local-mode= (the local variant) enabled in the magit buffers you want these bindings to take effect in. When evil is disabled in a magit buffer, this package will not affect the default key bindings (with one minor exception).

** Note on =evil-magit-use-y-for-yank=

=evil-magit-use-y-for-yank= enables evil's visual state for linewise selection, and as a consequnce =y= will yank text from the buffer.

With this enabled which it is by default evil-magit uses =v= and =V= to select by line. Selection in magit occurs linewise, so this choice is to avoid confusion that might arise if someone thought they could stage part of a line with =v= for example.

** Text mode

Text mode can be toggled with =evil-magit-toggle-text-mode= (triggered with =C-t= or =\=). This takes nearly any magit buffer out of the related magit mode and puts it into =text-mode=. This allows free movement in the buffer using the standard evil movement and selection commands, making it easy to for example copy arbitrary text in the buffer. It also effectively prevents magit keys from shadowing evil ones, so =f= runs =evil-find-char= instead of =magit-fetch-popup=, allowing all vim related movement commands to be used in magit buffers. You can think of this if you like as another state for evil-magit to be in.

Several requests have been made to allow selecting and copying arbitrary text in the magit buffers, but there are many conflicts between evil bindings and magit bindings and there is no elegant solution to this problem in my opinion. Text mode is the best that I have come up with.

The basic key binding scheme for evil-magit (EM) is described in the following tables. Blank columns indicate that the key is carried over from the left.

| Category | Default | EM w/o yank opt | w/ yank opt (default) | w/ horiz move | w/ folds | |------------------------+---------+------------------------+-----------------------+---------------+----------| | cherry pick | =a/A= | | | | | | branch | =b= | | | | | | bisect | =B= | | | | | | commit | =c= | | | | | | diff | =d/D= | | | | | | ediff | =e/E= | | | | | | fetch | =f= | | | | | | pull | =F= | | | | | | refresh | =g= | =gr/gR= (=g= in popup) | | | | | help | =h/?= | | | =H/?= | | | ignore | =i/I= | | | | | | intent to stage | =I= | | | | | | jump | =j= | =g= | | | | | delete | =k= | =x= | | | | | untrack | =K= | =X= | | | | | log | =l/L= | | | =L/C-l= | | | merge | =m= | | | | | | remote | =M= | | | | | | next section | =n= | =C-j= | | | | | next section sibling | =M-n= | =gj= or =]= | | | | | submodule | =o= | ' | | | | | subtree | =O= | " | | | | | prev section | =p= | =C-k= | | | | | prev section sibling | =M-p= | =gk= or =[= | | | | | push | =P= | =P= or =p= | | | | | quit | =q= | =q= or =ESC= | | | | | rebase | =r= | | | | | | rename | =R= | | | | | | stage | =s/S= | | | | | | tag | =t= | | | | | | notes | =T= | | | | | | unstage | =u/U= | | | | | | revert | =v/V= | =-/_= | | | | | am | =w= | | | | | | patch | =W= | | | | | | reset | =x/X= | =o/O= | | | | | show-refs | =y= | | =yr= (=y= in popup) | | | | cherry | =Y= | | | | | | stash | =z/Z= | | | | =Z= | | git-cmd | =:= | =¦= | | | | | run | =!= | | | | | | forge | =@= | | | | | | diff less/more context | =-/+= | = / + | | | | | copy section info | =C-w= | | =ys= | | | | copy buffer info | =M-w= | | =yb= | | |

** New Commands

| Command | EM w/o yank opt | EM w/ yank opt (default) | w/ horiz move | |-----------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+---------------| | evil-goto-line | =G= | | | | evil-next-visual-line | =j= | | | | evil-previous-visual-line | =k= | | | | evil-backward-char | under =M-x= | | =h= | | evil-forward-char | under =M-x= | | =l= | | evil-search-next | =n= | | | | evil-search-previous | =N= | | | | set-mark-command | =v= or =V= | =C-SPC= | | | evil-visual-line | under =M-x= | =v= or =V= | | | evil-ex | =:= | | | | evil-search-forward | =/= | | | | evil-scroll-page-up | =C-b= | | | | evil-scroll-down | =C-d= | | | | evil-scroll-page-down | =C-f= | | | | evil-scroll-up | =C-u= (if =C-u= scrolls) | | | | evil-emacs-state | =C-z= | | | | evil-yank-line | under =M-x= | =yy= | | | evil-window-map | under =M-x= | =C-w= | | | evil-magit-toggle-text-mode | =C-t/\= | | |

Any other bindings are meant to be consistent with these.

Use =evil-magit-revert= to revert changes made by evil-magit to the default evil+magit behavior.

** To add other common evil commands

Some may want =?= to search backward instead of launching the popup which is also bound to =h=. To get this behavior, add the following line after =(require 'evil-magit)= in your configuration.

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

(evil-define-key evil-magit-state magit-mode-map "?" 'evil-search-backward)


Most (but not all) magit bindings are in =magit-mode-map=, so other commands can be bound in this way too.

** To remove commands

Typically, to prevent evil-magit from overriding the default behavior with evil and magit loaded, you should bind the respective key to =nil= after loading evil-magit. For example, to make =escape= behave as default

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

(evil-define-key* evil-magit-state magit-mode-map [escape] nil)


These are the third-party packages that conflict with these bindings and will probably need to be disabled in magit buffers for evil-magit to work properly.

  1. [[https://github.com/hlissner/evil-snipe][evil-snipe]]
  2. [[https://github.com/syl20bnr/evil-escape][evil-escape]] with [[https://github.com/justbur/evil-magit/issues/4][certain escape sequences]]

Given the complexity of magit key bindings combined with the complexity of git itself, it is possible that there are some rough edges where the current binding is not the expected one in a buffer. It will be very helpful for you to report any such instances.