emacs-helm / helm-ls-git

An alternative to Magit and Vc using Helm to manage git projects
120 stars 19 forks source link

License GPL 3 MELPA MELPA Stable


Helm Git project manager.

directories directories



Assuming you are already using helm and it is installed properly (See Install helm)

(require 'helm-ls-git)

Use M-x helm-browse-project or bind it to a key, for example:

(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-d") 'helm-browse-project)

If you are using helm-find-files you will be able to browse any git repo unrelated to the current-buffer: M-x helm-find-files navigate to some git repo and hit C-x C-d

You can also navigate in your git projects with M-x helm-projects-history or bind it to a key:

(global-set-key (kbd "C-x r p") 'helm-projects-history)

If you want to use the helm-ls-git sources somewhere else, you can build them individually with functions helm-ls-git-build-git-status-source, helm-ls-git-build-buffers-source and helm-ls-git-build-ls-git-source.

As these sources are built with their own classes, they can be configured with defmethod helm-setup-user-source, see FAQ.


Use helm-projects-history or helm-browse-project as a starting point.

NOTE: You can also use directly helm-ls-git-ls, but note that in this case your project will NOT be recorded in project history and BTW not available through M-x helm-projects-history.

Another way to record your projects is using bookmarks from helm-find-files (C-x r m).

Have fun!