emanuelen5 / kitchen-timer

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Kitchen timer

We're building a Kitchen timer! The project is heavily inspired by REST: Kitchen timer by mkdxdx [Hackaday.io].


Our kitchen timer will be an iteration of mkdxdx project "REST: Kitchen timerREST: Kitchen timer". We will keep the "dial" (rotate-to-set) concept and the 16x16 led matrix but we want to do it with an ATmega328p and a custom PCB.

Among other features that we would like to add are:


Both Erasmus Cedernaes and Nicolas Perozzi belong to Stockholm Makerspace. On the same day, we messaged each other a link to mkdxdx​ project. We were very excited about building something that would be "practical" so we decided to team up and work on this together. Additionally, we share an interest in working with the AVR MCUs. This project is a nice blend of programming, electrical, mechanical, 3d printing, and design but, without feeling overwhelming.



Prototyping setup on the breadboard:

Breadboard setup

The the schematic:



The software is divided into several "environments", similar to "sketches" in Arduino. They are used to test different aspects of the hardware individually, to make sure that the assembled hardware works as intended.

The environments are located in the src/envs folder.


To be able to program the microcontroller, you need avrdude and pio (the PlatformIO command line tool).

Then run

./program.sh <programmer> <environment>

to build and program your board with the selected environment.