embbnux / glip-ai-bot

This is an AI Assistant Bot for Glip, using API.AI and RingCentral API
10 stars 3 forks source link
ai bot glip ringcentral


This is an AI Assistant Bot for Glip, using API.AI and RingCentral API


Talk in glip with this chat bot:

> hi
Good day!
> What’s the weather like in London
Today in London : Mostly Cloudy, the temperature is 48 F
> Help
Help: Show this help;
Rc Login: Log into your RingCentral account;
Send SMS: sms to 101 say what are you doing;
Receive SMS: Show your sms here;
Disable SMS Notification: Stop showing sms here;
> login to rc
login with oauth
> who am i
> send message to Kevin tell him we won
Send SMS(we won) to Kevin(101) success.
> sms to 101 tell him this is sms message
Send SMS(this is sms message) to Kevin(101) success.
> logout rc account

Start A Bot


git clone https://github.com/embbnux/glip-ai-bot.git
npm run build
npm start

Add config file

to create data/config.json file

cd project_dir
mkdir data
vim data/config.json

example of config.json:

    "glipApp": {
        "server": "https://platform.devtest.ringcentral.com",
        "appKey": "ringcentral_glip_app_key",
        "appSecret": "ringcentral_glip_app_secret",
        "account": {
            "username": "rc_phone_number",
            "extension": "rc_extension_number",
            "password": "rc_account_password"
        "tokenCacheFile": "./glip-token-cache.json"
    "RcApp": {
        "server": "https://platform.devtest.ringcentral.com",
        "appKey": "ringcentral_app_key",
        "appSecret": "ringcentral_app_secret",
        "redirectUri": "http://localhost:8080/rc-oauth-callback"
    "ApiAi": {
        "token": "api.ai token"

start server

npm start