emerladCoder / RPG-Maker-MV-Cheat-Menu-Plugin

RPG Maker MV Cheat Menu Plugin
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RPG Maker MV Cheat Menu Plugin

I've created a plugin for RPG Maker MV that allows users to access a Cheat Menu in game. The controls are all input via the number keys [0]-[9] (not the NUMPAD) (other keys may be used as well now) or the mouse.

Open the Menu by pressing the [1] Key.
Move menu to different positions with ` (key with tilde ~)
Scroll between cheats with [2] and [3] Keys.
Any [#] indicates a number key to press to cause an action, if you don't want to click.

The menu can also be interacted with by clicking (everything except opening the menu can be done with the mouse).
Clicking is done with left click and clickable elements will be highlighted red on hover over.

Available Cheats Are


Download or Clone from above repository link or click the link below

Download: GitHub

I've tested this to work with Cursed Armor and 魔王イリスの逆襲[RJ176175] (both are NSFW)


If the www/js/plugins.js is read only, remove that in the properties or the patch with fail.

Some games might have have altered the plugin loading mechanism (for example using a single composite plugin to save space). In this case you should open the GameFolder/www/js/main.js and insert the code as shown below in order to get any extra plugins to load.

// main.js


// Insert the code below, change plugin name if loading something besides Cheat_Menu
PluginManager._path= 'js/plugins/'; 
// End Insert

window.onload = function() {


Other RPG Maker MV Links

Original ULMF thread for this plugin: thread

I might also suggest Libellule's text hook for untranslated games: thread
It has a packaged version of my Cheat Menu, just note it is outdated at the moment so if you install my plugin with his patcher just overwrite with the /www folder downloaded from the most recent version here.

Froggus has a save editor that works with a bunch of versions of RPG maker games including MV: thread