emerson-argueta / gohtwind

Fullstack framework with go, htmx, and tailwind
MIT License
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Gohtwind Full-stack Framework


work in progress, feedback welcomed

Gohtwind is an opinionated and lightweight full-stack framework designed for rapid web application development using Go, TailwindCSS, and htmx. Streamline your development process, from backend to frontend, with Gohtwind's fast and simple approach!


Tech Stack




To get started with Gohtwind:

  1. Ensure you have Go installed on your machine.
    • Optional: Ensure you have Docker installed on your machine. (For development database)
  2. Clone/download the Gohtwind repository.
  3. Navigate to the Gohtwind directory and run:
go build
sudo cp gohtwind /usr/local/bin/

Now, you can use the gohtwind command from anywhere in your terminal!

Quick Start

  1. Create a new Gohtwind project:
    # gohtwind name your_project_name
    # ex:
    gohtwind new town
  2. Navigate to your project directory:
    # cd your_project_name 
    # ex:
    cd town
  3. Create a page (a.k.a. feature) within your project:
    # gohtwind gen-feature [feature_name]
    # ex:
    gohtwind gen-feature market 
  4. Add feature routes to the main.go in the root of your project directory:
package main

// the ide will automatically import the packages for you
// if not, you can manually import them like so:
import (
  // ...
  // "<project_name>/infra"
  // "<project_name>/auth"
  // "<project_name>/<feature_name>"
  // ...

func main() {
  // ...

func setUpEnv() {
  // ...

func setUpDBs() {
  // ...

func setUpRoutes() {
  // ...
  http.Handle("/static/", infra.LoggingMiddleware(http.StripPrefix("/static/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("./frontend/static/")))))
  auth.SetupRoutes(dbs, infra.LoggingMiddleware)
    Replace feature_name with the name of your feature like so:
    feature_name_1.SetupRoutes(dbs, infra.LoggingMiddleware)
    feature_name_2.SetupRoutes(dbs, infra.LoggingMiddleware)
    feature_name_n.SetupRoutes(dbs, infra.LoggingMiddleware)
  // ex: 
  market.SetupRoutes(dbs, infra.LoggingMiddleware)

  // Activate the routes

  1. Optional: Run containerized database for development:
    docker build -t gohtwind-db -f Dockerfile.db .
    docker run -d -p 3306:3306 --name gohtwind-db gohtwind-db
  2. Generate sql models using:
    # gohtwind gen-models -adapter=mysql -dsn="<username>:<password>@tcp(<host>:<port>)/<dbname>"
    # or
    # gohtwind gen-models -adapter=postgres -dsn="postgresql://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<dbname>?sslmode=disable -schema=<schema>"
    # using the containerized database
    gohtwind gen-models -adapter=mysql -dsn="root:root@tcp(localhost:3306)/dev"
  3. Generate a repository file for the feature:
    # Make sure that the model_name is the same as the generated model name (Usually the table name in TitleCase) 
    # gohtwind gen-repository -feature-name=<feature_name> -model-name=<model_name> -db-name=<dbname> -adapter=<mysql | postgres> -schema=<schema postgres only>
    # using the model from containerized database
    gohtwind gen-repository -feature-name=market -model-name=Products -db-name=dev -adapter=mysql
  4. Copy the example.env file and rename it to .env:
    cp example.env .env
  5. Start the development server:
  6. Start developing your application!

    Directory Structure


|-- dev-run.sh

|-- Dockerfile.prod

|-- example.env

|-- .gitignore

|-- .gen/ # Generated sql models

|-- config/ # Configuration files

|-- go.mod

|-- go.sum

|-- templates/ # base template and shared templates

|   |-- shared/

|   |-- base.html

|-- frontend/

|   |-- static/

|   |   |-- css/

|   |   |   |-- main.css  # Base CSS file for Tailwind

|   |

|   |-- output.css  # Generated CSS after processing with Tailwind

|   |-- tailwind.config.js

|-- author-books/  # Example feature module

|   |-- handler.go

|   |-- repository.go

|   |-- view.go

|   |-- routes.go

|   |-- static/

|   |   |-- js/

|   |   |-- css/

|   |-- templates/

|       |-- create.html

|       |-- read.html

|       |-- update.html

|       |-- delete.html

|       |-- list.html

|-- other-feature/  # Another example feature module

|   ...  # Similar structure as above

|-- ...  # Other project-wide files, utilities, shared components, etc.

## Utility Scripts

1. To generates a new feature within your project run the gohtwind command with the gen-feature flag:
gohtwind gen-feature [feature_name]
  1. To generate a form inside a template, use the following gohtwind command:

    gohtwind gen-form -feature-name=<feature_name> -model-name=<model_name>
    • This command replaces {{GEN_FORM}} in the specified template with a form for the specified model
    • The form is generated using the model's form tags
    • When an instance name is provided, the form is generated with the instance's values
    • The -feature-name flag specifies the name of the feature the form is for.
    • The -model-name flag specifies the name of the model the form is for.
    • The -template-name flag specifies the name of the template the form is for.
    • The -instance-name flag specifies the name of the instance the form is for. Use this flag for update forms. Omit this flag for create forms.
    • The -action flag specifies the action of the form.
  2. To start the development server run the script:



Contributions to Gohtwind are welcome. Please read our Contributing Guide (coming soon) for more information.


Gohtwind is licensed under the MIT License.

Feel free to modify or expand any sections to better fit the specifics of your project.